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Bo In Monroe

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Everything posted by Bo In Monroe

  1. She's cutting on the lap top right now.

  2. How could this bore anyone?

  3. She brought her laptop home to post yesterday and got wrapped up in a movie. She will post some today I'm sure.

  4. Glad you guys had a good time!

  5. Not enough beer would be a problem. I sure got sh!t faced here. Glad you had fun!

  6. were the seats decent?

  7. Did you enjoy the game?

  8. I makes this day feel like a good Friday. Hope you have a great one!

  9. Good Morning Connie! Great game huh?

  10. Thanks! She is playing golf on a full ride for WCU.

  11. Damn it man! That profile pic is just rubbing it in! I am gonna go spank my dog Slappy now!

  12. I wish I was! Nope, I will be at the Denver game though!

  13. Hope you have a great weekend!

  14. You are a sweetheart!

  15. You have little micro nads......and you must be stopped!

  16. I am not good enough to shoot an 82 in this life time. KTHNKSBYE

  17. You are a good other teamer fan! Stick around!

  18. He has an 8 track player too!!!!! I think he is spoiled IMHO. He just asked to borrow Dawns Abba tape.

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