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  1. Are you tapping on the south facing side of the tree?
  2. I’m worried about the cooler weather coming in the next 12 days. Seeing some night time temperatures in the mid 30’s in Newland.
  3. Be careful what location you go and educate yourself with locals. Some areas have descended into chaos. Meth heads are causing major issues. Looting has gotten out of hand in your most rural areas. Land owners are watching there stuff locked and loaded. Barnardsville and surrounding area is a no go zone at this time.
  4. I’ve not but my friends have. I work communications over on the Tennessee side, I’m stressed from helping get that back up in Roan Mountain, Mountain City area. Cell sites mostly up with residential services still down.
  5. I know it’s open from Cranberry to Spruce Pine. Green Valley bridge is a challenge though, it can be crossed carefully.
  6. Not rich rich but better off than most. Head to Squirrel Creek if you’re looking for needed help or Roaring Creek—>Powder Mill—->Spear.
  7. If you’re looking to help and need direction on what and where to go Biltmore Baptist in Asheville has a coordinated plan.
  8. Poga doesn’t doesn’t exist anymore is the word. 2 Blackhawks are covering that area and old Beech side with supplies. I just realized you’re referring to Ray Hicks with Jack tales, you have mountain credibility, thumbs up!
  9. I couldn’t make it up 321 Tuesday. We went towards Mtn City and surveyed damage. It’s as bad as anywhere in spots, not as wide spread as N Toe —> S Toe—>Noliachucky. Poga is a high road that I’ve heard nothing about, mudslides may have gotten it don’t know, I will investigate though
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