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Pup McBarky

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Everything posted by Pup McBarky

  1. Section 230 of the CDA is to protect social media companies from being held responsible if a user says some dumb poo. It has nothing to say about said company kicking that user to the curb if they decide to do so.
  2. First amendment applies to government censorship, which this is not. "Cancel culture" began in the 80s with the so-called "Moral Majority" who called for a boycott of Disney because they dared to air Ellen DeGeneres' TV show. So, if you want to blame someone for "cancel culture," start with the religious right.
  3. It's almost as if in addition to Covid, an even more baffling virus is spreading...a conspiracy virus. Everyone now believes conspiracy nonsense more than reason. Everyone seems to want to be one of the few with some "special insight." It would be comical were it not so widespread and frankly, dangerous.
  4. Love Robby, but I'm not sure how he doesn't break those toothpicks he runs on.
  5. Rhule has demonstrated that he's willing to correct bad decisions. If nothing else, that puts him light years ahead of Rivera.
  6. Or taking over if Darnold can't get past his issues. I was hoping they'd go after Minshew after the Stafford thing fell through.
  7. There will be more OL available as cuts start to happen. I'd be surprised if they didn't sign someone at that point, though not terribly so. They seem to like the group we have.
  8. Too early to tell. Could be bad, could be surprisingly good. I just know compared to some of the OLs we had under Rivera, our current crop looks like world-beaters.
  9. It's certainly possible. If Darnold and the OL are merely average, we should win 9-10 games. But whether they can rise to merely average is the key question. And as is true every year, how healthy we stay is also a key factor.
  10. Rhule spent a year as a Giants assistant, so he has familiarity with the NFL. But he's never built a winning NFL team, which is the point. One of the reasons, I think, Tepper gave him a 7 year contract is Tepper knew he was a team-builder and smart football guy, but he also probably figured that he'd need a couple of years to learn some hard lessons about being an NFL head coach. Rhule is definitely the kind of guy who values teaching. Typically, those kinds of people also highly value learning. Rhule is learning too. I think he knew QB was a much more highly valued position in the NFL. I also think he signed off on the Bridgewater deal because Brady vouched for him and when you can get a QB who, while he definitely has deficiencies, at least knows your system and what it takes to work, you do it. (I think one thing Rhule learned was that Brady's vouching wasn't quite up to his - Rhule's - expectations). Remember, Rhule knew what Brady had done at LSU - passing game coordinator, not OC, that he'd developed a passing game that he learned from interning with New Orleans, and that he was a hot commodity. He had, afaik, never worked with him before. They are all learning, each other, as well as what it takes to build and maintain a winning NFL franchise. And now they have to learn Fitterer. But I believe we got the right guy and we're moving in the right direction.
  11. When I first saw this, I suspected that Jackson grabbed his right arm. I'd love to see a view from the other side of the field.
  12. We can hope. I'd rather this happen than Darnold looks mediocre and we have another year of Brady. I like Brady and think he's a good coach with a promising future. But I'd rather Darnold develop into a franchise QB and move on with Sean Ryan as OC, who I think will be at least as good as Brady, perhaps better.
  13. It's not just you. It makes zero sense as written.
  14. Besides Reddick, he's my favorite addition to the D. I think he'll surprise some folks. My overall favorite, though, is Dan Arnold. He's legit and he's gonna get lots of 1st downs and score lots of TDs.
  15. And you clearly have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old.
  16. Brady isn't now nor should he be on the hot seat if Darnold struggles. That doesn't mean I think Brady is the greatest thing since sliced bread. TBH, his playcalling last year reflected his lack of experience in that role...it was mediocre. I expect to see a bit more "flash" this year, if that's the right word. No, I'm not talking about trick plays. If you watched the TB offense in the SB, then you understand what I'm talking about. That was a master class in play design and calling. Brady may be great eventually, but right now, he's not close to the best OC in our division, let alone the NFL.
  17. I recommend it for the experience as much as the food.
  18. Hit The Beacon at least once. No alcohol there, but more sweet tea than you could possibly drink.
  19. I believe in second chances, but historically, predators do not change their spots. He needs to take a year off and do some serious introspection. Then, I could possibly be interested. Thus far, he's shown no desire to change. I wouldn't take him now if they gave him to us straight up for a case of PBR.
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