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Pup McBarky

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  1. Gonna be a lot of touching of the DBO sign in Lincoln.
  2. You strike me as someone who isn't here just for attention nor someone who reasons like a child. Those would be a couple of reasons for some of the more stupid reactionary responses here. It's also why I rarely post during the season. Just brain-numbingly stupid and frustrating.
  3. For opposing teams. Tuttle/McCall/Brown with Houston and Burns on the outside. I admit, that makes me think we could make some serious noise.
  4. If only our mediocre-at-best coaching staff would take your sage advice.
  5. Wow. That's sad. I wonder if the guy got death threats or something after his video kinda blew up. Some fans are plain nutjobs. Or maybe Ked is just...off. Who knows?
  6. Feel free. I'd like to hear it.
  7. Ked Woodley gonna be there? If not, count me out. Only here for the best of the best.
  8. I find it sad. I don't find it humorous. Different strokes, as they say.
  9. All of it's true, but it's not funny. That guy who makes the videos about every team's fans, now that guy is funny.
  10. From all reports, the guy is a helluva lockeroom guy but God forbid we need him on the field. We could use another backup OT or two. I think Zavala and Mays can play OT if pressed, but I'd rather get a dedicated player for that.
  11. Agreed. Is he a first ballot guy? No. Will he eventually go in? More than likely.
  12. Good. Let's see what our young guys have. This is the year to do that.
  13. If I'm reading the rule right, counts against the 53, but not the game-day 46.
  14. Spot on. I've known the Fowlers for over 20 years. They're good people. Scott does his best to provide an objective view - he doesn't report as a fan. People with irrational hatred toward him are sad, imo. I know him. He's a good dude.
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