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Everything posted by raz

  1. you think it would only take 2 weeks? take a deep breath and then wake up.
  2. they're still letting you leave the hospital? kinda figured they kidnapped all y'all by now, made you sleep in the boiler room or something
  3. 2 weeks max on the health kick. i'm healthier than ever too, stopped drinking, super fit... but i love frikkin smokes, both kinds.
  4. sure hope everything turns out ok
  5. mother nature: y'all suck, everyone go to your room
  6. i didn't say they'd thought their cunning plan through
  7. have you seen the reportings of rich people contacting respirator makers and trying to buy them out before the hospitals can get them? you know, just in case they need one
  8. yeah 50/50. half the country will have it by the time its done with its first pass. most of us, up to 75% won't ever even know it. and if it was only me that i'm concerned with - there is no concern at all. you've kinda gone off the rails here bro. you gotta find your glow again. shonuf is here and he is glowing red like a mofo
  9. odds of me catching it are 50/50, same as you. it mutated from animal to human to human to human in 2 weeks. it mutated again and now there are 2 strains of it. 1-2 months is kind of a wet dream at this point. odds are that some of the people i know who are compromised and some who are not are either gonna die or have fuged up lungs forever from this. i don't think this will be a distant memory for many of us/most of us/all of us for a very long time
  10. oh great, just perusing and see that community transmission is happening in several parts of the united states. we're not going to do what china did to contain it. we're not doing right now what china did. that's not happening, and isn't going to. no use hoping it will
  11. political affiliations? that's not it. its corporate greed they are serving, and getting paid by
  12. don't be sucked into believing its the people's fault for not heeding warnings. also fox news is listed at entertainment. got out of a lawsuit for 70% of the information they spew on a daily basis being lies - because they are classified as entertainment.
  13. good luck to all y'all bro
  14. there is no cash that has been put into anyone's hands. you know that.
  15. was there ever any doubt this would be the plan.
  16. i'm trying not to cough on my computer to keep y'all safe.
  17. from what i read yesterday some sort of quarantine/curfew... is a state issue and not a federal issue. i'm not clear on movement between states, whether that's federal.
  18. 40-70% of the world's population will catch this novel coronavirus on its first wave across the planet. that's reality. there will be around 150 million americans who catch this virus on its first wave. most will never know they had it. we will never have an accurate death rate because it can only be compared to people who tested positive. i'm glad you're catching on to our actual concern about the healthcare system. the reason we need to be unbelievably vigilant is because we have to increase the amount of time it takes for the first wave to pass - or our system will look exactly like italy's. 170,000 deaths in the US on the first pass of this virus looks very reasonable at this point. also, a virus with an extremely high death rate - like the ones that worry you - are not the viruses to be worried about (population-wise not personally). its a bit circular to understand but an extremely high death rate decreases its opportunities to find new hosts and spread.
  19. dude, never go full retard. (and yes, i do realize i've done just that many times)
  20. federal govt can't do that.
  21. there are some people who had it for a month, fully recovered - and then tested positive again and had to go back in quarantine, and at least 1 dude even died 5 days after clearing because he got it again. wtf!
  22. nunes is like: go the grocery store. they have beautiful grapefruits
  23. but he believes things.
  24. and shop for them, or get a friend to in a larger city if you can't. i was reading this morning about people taking things out of elderly peoples carts at the store
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