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Everything posted by raz

  1. if 10 million get it, that's 1.5 million that will need hospitalization. we don't have that many beds. there are other medical needs also. like someone said - 37% of nurses have kids at home... i mean talk about compounding interest
  2. i hope i'm not coming across as a fear monger. i don't personally feel afraid. its just kinda like when someone you love has cancer - one week good news, next week bad news - over time you learn not to get too up with the good news or down with the bad news and realize you're just gonna have to watch it play out.
  3. even newt gingrich is crapping his pants right now. i guess he went to italy. https://www.newsweek.com/newt-gingrich-i-am-italy-amid-coronavirus-crisis-america-must-act-now-act-big-opinion-1492270?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark
  4. ok, but a lot of these people just got it. we're 11 days behind them. i wouldn't put too much into our death rate yet. do you see what i'm saying.
  5. this is from a couple days ago. our #'s are pulling ahead of italy's as of today by a pretty good bit. it doesn't matter where it came from. you can say that italy is smaller, % of population... however that actually makes things much more serious in where we are headed
  6. we're not doing the job china did, or even italy.
  7. there will be healthcare workers all across the county traumatized by the sound of lungs full of fluid, the kind of thing they will probably never get all the way over, if they don't have a psychotic break in the process
  8. i listened for 8 days as someone died from aspirational pneumonia. that sound, the idea of wards of people laying there making that sound, the death rattle, is worse than any hell ever described by anything i have ever read.
  9. ah fukkin hell man. this is awful
  10. pretending whose life is better on the internet, is that what you call 'enjoying life and all it has to offer'?
  11. i've never been. i wouldn't know. evidently the big cities are technological marvels, around the big cities is terrifying poverty and disgusting hygiene, but there is also a lot of beautiful land and 'villages' that are supposed to be wonderful
  12. outside the modern cities its like the middle ages over there. the poverty and lack of education are truly terrifying. the lack of sanitary practices are probably worse than the middle ages.
  13. yeah, should have added s korea is a great example of what to do, and life is not easy there right now. there are some q&a's and stories you can find from people living there on reddit and other places about what its like - and italy too - and like our own guy on this board in italy - it is terrifying
  14. if you have time check out some of the stories from the people of wuhan. they were left with no care, no medical supplies, no way to get care, and no food. americans will not stand for what has happened and is happening there. and believing the govt of china about anything is a risky proposition
  15. our trajectory is exactly in line with italy's. we are 11 days behind them and even with our limited testing we have just over the number of cases they had at the exact same point. obviously i have no idea what will happen, but there isn't reason yet to think we will deviate from the trajectory
  16. no, not at all. if you relax and get the proper angle you can fill your ass with water and shoot it out like a squirt gun on annoying house guests
  17. thank you for the info bro. and omfg i'm so sorry this is what's happening there. this is terrifying. folks saying its no big deal because you're young - what happens if you take a fall and get hurt and there are no hospital beds, no icu beds, and you need surgery.
  18. for $50 you can get a bidet attachment for your toilet from amazon. its the best thing that ever happened. takes 4 squares of toilet paper to pat yourself dry and you're completely clean. its good for the earth as tp is generally made from virgin timber. its good for when you eat too much hot sauce. you won't believe you ever wiped the old way and you'll realize just how disgusting and inferior the old way is. and for the love of hot dogs you won't have to get up and clean yourself in the f'n shower if there is no tp to be found to add i had roids popping up for a couple years. with the squatty potty and a bidet attachment i haven't had one in 2 years no matter what i've lifted
  19. no, no its not - grocery store-wise and power grid-wise
  20. its not goat c*ck, its 13-14 yo skater boys that stipe likes. anyone who knows about rem knows this. good buddy married bill berry's x-wife. she's super nice
  21. i can't say FU enough. i guess you don't have immune system compromised people in your life. yeah, just go back to work.
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