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Everything posted by raz

  1. i hope your dad gets better fast bro
  2. i'll take people who don't understand science for $1000 alex. don't you dare tell wolfcop they're putting dihydrogen monoxide in our water and food now.
  3. magical thinking has an incredible effect on humans when they're inundated with it early in life. a mind that doesn't really have a concept of concrete thinking yet introduced to abstractions, well, lots of people can never put it back together. jesus, santa, easter bunny.......
  4. i heard covid 19 deaths are being under reported so the fanta menace doesn't look as bad
  5. kindergartner, or porn?
  6. from talking to friends in the healthcare industry here i don't think that's the case. people are being advised to not get tested, and to not go to the hospital if they can still breathe.
  7. i see no kung fu in your plot. it needs a lot more kung fu before i'm watching it
  8. they just locked my stepmoms senior living place down. no more activities. residents can't leave their rooms. she's at a place in asheville and the recommendations came down from local health authorities. not sure if city or county
  9. is it gonna be racist when robbie anderson finds coronavirus and nuts in its eye. hell no its not, he's gonna save us all
  10. it is frikkin nuts when you realize you've met one. like, oh, wow, that is a real thing
  11. that dude's an idiot. the ignore button works awesome. hover over their username and the option will appear
  12. thanks for the clarification
  13. the phones came in under bush. did you know that? you can look it up
  14. i just want to say that you're not alleviating anything. you may think you are, but that's not the result of what you're up to. what you are doing is drawing conclusions constantly from things i know you don't quite understand (none of us fully do), and acting like nothing is a big deal. and now you've gone into whataboutism. you're experiencing cognitive dissonance. its ok. everyone reacts differently to heightened states of awareness. you have no idea how bad this is, or will get. that's the truth. we're all in the same boat together. well except the super rich who are trying to buy ventilators and reserve hospital beds (yes this is happening). we're not in the same boat with them. anyway. love you brother.
  15. i emailed the sheriff's dept out here, madison county, this morning to see if there were volunteer lists for shopping, delivering meds, cleaning disinfecting stuff... just got a contact # back a few minutes ago. i'll see what they say. they may say no, not yet, not unless you've had it - you have to buy a suit... idk. we'll see.
  16. hope everything is ok man!
  17. mooooooooooooov!!!!!!!!
  18. who woulda thought trump and kungfudude were on the same page
  19. some people never have a symptomatic period. we don't have the ability to test every person in the country, much less a state, or a county, or a city. while it would be nice if this worked, and i def agree about the economy, it won't work. i am not panicked. i am not worried. i am watching.
  20. i'm not freaking out at all. i have my own mountain i live on. you put up a study of 161 people about how long to quarantine sick people, and most of them show symptoms in 14 days, most. and you kinda left out this part: COMMENT These findings confirm the current recommendations for quarantine: Most patients who become symptomatic do so within 11 or 12 days and the vast majority within 14 days. However, we already know that asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic persons can transmit infection, and this group was not included here. Better access to testing for asymptomatic infection will shed light on this issue. 14 days isn't going to do anything in the long run. it will just start right back up. you're just not able to interpret data and you should stop pretending that you know how. as i said before we would need to test every single person in the country during this 2 week period you speak of, and there would need to be a 0 transmission rate during this period. neither of those is possible in any sort of way
  21. i don't think you understand that study
  22. wuhan was on lockdown for 2 months bro
  23. you do realize philit99 that is just the incubation period right, and that people stay contagious past the 2 weeks, and that some people are asymptomatic, and would still have it and be contagious after 2 weeks. that for the 2 week plan to have any chance of success we would need to test every person in the country
  24. did you come up with this idea on your own? are you an infectious disease specialist?
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