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Everything posted by raz

  1. i'm at the point where i'm mouthing foul crap at non-mask wearers in the store under my mask. i don't know how much longer before i just start putting sound with it.
  2. i'm really sorry to hear all this. i hope your mom stays ok. i'm worried about my stepmom in her facility. its not that i think dying is that bad. she's had a full life. but not the way this virus does it. i heard my dad aspirate to death. i don't wish that shite on anyone, neither the death nor hearing it.
  3. very true comrade. oh shoot i was not supposed to type comrade. sorry. very true cool american guy like me
  4. the country is so far in debt. this is what is happening and has been happening. money is a symbol, not something real. its a symbol for wealth but its not wealth. food, clothes and shelter is wealth. at one point toilet paper was wealth. its the same with words. words are symbols not actually something real. the word tree doesn't describe an actual tree, its a symbol for it used to communicate. the word 'tree' is a static symbol stored in your memory. its not in motion. an actual tree is in motion. words can't describe what it actually is, they can only break it into pieces and describe parts and processes. symbols are not reality. they are a representation of reality. so yeah, the reality is we can feed, clothe, shelter, and care for the people of the world if we stop letting all the symbols define our reality.
  5. health is real. the economy is not.
  6. what do you think we're doing now? you understand the debt the country is in right? and has been
  7. do you guys eat sweedish meatballs? do you just call them meatballs? if you do can you share a recipe?
  8. sharks, with frikkin laser beams
  9. im starting to come to terms with that this morning. the nba may not even be able to pull off their bubble.
  10. why do you make guesses?
  11. oh ffs i'm seeing this reported everywhere now.
  12. the ignore button is your friend.
  13. here in madison county at least 80% of the folks at ingles, lowes, and the PO were in masks today. the aggravating part is that most of the folks who weren't wearing masks are exactly the same people many of us are wearing masks for.
  14. county i live in has 9 cases. i hope it doesn't catch on here. none of the old people i see out are wearing masks or doing anything about it. i don't think a lot of people here understood it would take a while to get here.
  15. they are now. it turns out they were very interested in statistics and keeping everyone as safe as possible from the virus.
  16. i've lived up the road from cows for a very long time. not once have i seen them reading a paper or being interested in statistics. not even once. i will present them with statistics if you think it will help, but i don't think they speak math at all.
  17. our own govt has found no threats coming from antifa . look at the leaked documents. its the boogaloo movement and white supremacists that are a threat to law enforcement at the protests, in other words outside antagonists trying to start a race war. oh, here's the article in case you want to look at it - from the noted liberal rag the washington post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/06/19/leaked-document-makes-trumps-use-nazi-era-symbol-look-worse/
  18. so if you get it you can get it again in 2-3 months. that's what the latest research is suggesting. if that's true that really sucks
  19. 45catfan is an old man trying to make sense of a world and information that he just can't. lots of lost neuroplasticity happens as we age and we aren't able to process information as well as we once were. its also the reason time appears to go by faster as you age - because you're taking in less information. i don't think arguing with him will help
  20. 45catfan that still doesn't make any sense. the first wave isn't over until the virus has had a chance to reach all areas and all people. that's the end of the first wave or pass. i guess its just semantics because nothing has changed at all from the beginning credible scientific information we had in march. also, great, now i'm sure the fbi is looking at me because my username is the same as the new seattle warlord
  21. anyone know why we're being warned about the 2nd wave? is it just a convenient way to talk about it? initially the situation was the first wave may not be done until december and to my understanding we are still in the first wave. we are also still in the initial prediction range that there would be 170,000 - 2.2 million deaths in the US by december.
  22. that's exactly how every zombie/crazed humans movie starts
  23. it just seems like people got fed up with quarantine like the 1918 flu. with or without the protests this was gonna happen. seems like lots of people can only go so long w/out doing their social lives.
  24. damn that sucks. good luck man.
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