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Everything posted by raz

  1. i'm really sorry bro. y'all must be pretty terrified, and pissed. i sure hope everything turns out ok.
  2. its funny how cases are leveling off after hhs started getting the data first on 7/15. *** bad post. new cases aren't being tampered with. its hospitalizations that are having to go thru hhs to get out. i posted before looking into it enough
  3. that may be the greatest meme i've ever seen
  4. look, don't have sex with demons, don't ingest demon sperm, and accept your meds are made from alien dna and the virus will just disappear. i mean i get it, if it weren't for all the sexy demons everything would be fine. darn those sexy demons
  5. 28% of military personnel treated with hydroxychloroquine died vs 11% with no treatment. its not very hard to understand.
  6. mounting research is also showing that wearing a mask will minimize how severe you get it - if you get it.
  7. she's an oteopath. bwahahahahahahaha
  8. that is some racist ass poo
  9. yes comrade brother. this.
  10. neil degrabass tyson
  11. some arkansas and texas counties are bringing in refrigerated trucks to house the dead as the morgues are full. i think running out of testing capabilities is dear leader's plan
  12. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/07/15/warnings-possible-cover-progress-trump-orders-hospitals-stop-sending-coronavirus if you don't want to look dear leader just ordered hospitals to stop reporting covid data to the cdc, which makes it publicly available, and now they are to report it to hhs - which does not make it public. he's trying to kill us because the virus is making him look bad.
  13. do you have any idea why fauci had to try and conserve masks for health care workers? do you have any idea why we didn't start production or stockpiling in january? i'll give you a guess. science doesn't change every week. new information is added every second to science. that's what makes it great. i don't think you know what the word actually means
  14. i totally heard you can replace surgery with essential oils
  15. trump gets tested every day. everyone he comes in contact with is tested every day. he knows how to contain the virus, he just doesn't care about other people, including his base
  16. i will send you $5 to not do that
  17. you know i hear falling out of windows from 8 stories or so up is real common this time of year
  18. welp my stepmom's boyfriend has it and is in the hospital with it. they're both late 70's. she is in a facility up here and he's in spartanburg. they haven't seen each other since march 5 or so because of the lockdown, but i know from talking to her that he's been going to the store, drive-thru's... while he's knowingly had it before being hospitalized. he's a bible thumper and i'm sure thought jeebus was gonna protect him from the dem hoax. just talking to her i can get an idea of the hopelessness of someone you care about being dangerously ill and not being able to do anything for them. you can't go see him, his son can't go see him... its hard for her to swallow the powerlessness she has to do anything, as it would be me if it was her.
  19. you have the patience of, well, a very patient person. the contrarian only wants to eat up your time and energy and is not interested in learning anything. they've shown that all over the boards. just a heads up.
  20. this is why mental health care shouldn't be expensive
  21. the whataboutism started so fast i felt like i was being bombarded with facebook talking points. it was a married couple and they started saying the exact same things immediately. are there FB talking points? it really seemed scripted
  22. the part that's hard for me to understand is i have some well meaning friends and they know what FB is. they know its a data collection device also designed to alter brain chemistry, ends up making people depressed... and when i ask why they are still on it - the whataboutism starts. well whatabout walmart? are you still going to walmart? and i start realizing that their identity is tied up in FB and asking them why felt like an attack on how they sustain their identity - so it seems like its not only about a self image projected to the world, but an internal self image also. its really strange.
  23. i've never seen one person that actually is a badass act like that.
  24. fogging and realizing my glasses are now at the very end of my nose bump on the mask - like the old librarian looking down their nose at you. i'm hoping they don't just slip off at the store and my next step costs me $400
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