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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Shefter just said on TV yesterday it’s between Young and Stroud and Young has the lead right now.. None of these ppl know crap.. jmo
  2. Question if you’re 24 thru 28 not married would you be apart of his entourage in Vegas??
  3. And single in a town full of Porn studio, brothels, strip clubs and want to be actress… He might challenge Wilt Chamberlain record if he finishes his contract there..
  4. This dude in Vegas is a forced to be reckoned with and I’m not talking about football…
  5. This would be a nice insurance policy for Djax and push CJ and Taylor to get better…
  6. There’s no winners or losers when you can learn something…
  7. I’m repost this since you’re ignoring stuff..
  8. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/arizona-cardinals/deandre-hopkins-12307/ Had a no trade clause that could have been affected by his PED suspension… So don’t know the status of that.. But the problem with forcing him to come here is you would want relief on his contract.. If he doesn’t want to be here do you think he will help by restructuring his deal??
  9. Thelien is cheaper and you don’t have to give assets up to get him.. He doesn’t need a define role.. Dhop is somebody “you” think can carry a offense and a team to contending for a conference title this year.. lol Somebody who is doing that ain’t giving you a team friendly contract.. Which in reality a smart team would want when giving a new contract to a “32” year old.. Who is living in reality here??
  10. Bebate is a word now?? you see how that happens when someone makes a slip up and you focus on that instead of answering the other question you’re ignoring because you know you have no coherent argument against…
  11. And you want to give a 32 year old WR a new contract?? Which will be the age he wants that contract.. Because no intelligent team is giving him a better contract then he has now.. His next contract is his last and will be much less then he’s making now..
  12. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/arizona-cardinals/deandre-hopkins-12307/ And before you try and look it up so you can be right about something today.. He had a non trade clause but it could be voided by his ped suspension.. So AZ can force trade him here but he probably isn’t giving any relief on his contract and I think has a bigger cap hit in 24’ .. So unless he is willing to restructure I’m not giving any more then a 4th for Dhop..
  13. He still has say where he goes.. He is at the vet years to have a non trade clause in his contract my Man!!
  14. Will he be playing here at 30 or 31?? And since you want to focus on me saying his age wrong (by a year) while not debating anything I brought up to you .. Have a nice day..
  15. And Theilen not signing here is the same reason DHop might not want to be here..
  16. What made you say 30?? I saw 32 somewhere but what is the big difference ?? Also when do you answer any thing I post like 4-3 3-4 switch injuries and depth A whole new offense All that contradicts your “conference contender “ narrative??
  17. Okay that’s not the debate… Is Dhop interested in us is..
  18. Exactly.. Acting like this is a instant Conference contender just by adding 1 WR is Madden thinking…
  19. He will be 31 by the season (June 6 bday) and he still isn’t Adams, Hill or Brown anymore. And the last part has been established..
  20. A offenses that has been together not a totally new offense with no identity or experience together.. and not to diss Dhop he isn’t Adams, Hill or Brown in their prime he is 32 years old he isn’t carrying a offense right now..
  21. Even if you get Hopkins it doesn’t mean this other stuff isn’t true.. This isn’t basketball you can’t just add 1 person and be a contender…
  22. Okay I was going to let you live in this but it’s obvious you just started liking football 4 years ago and now you’re feeling yourself.. and now you’re being loud and wrong.. So let me help you.. REASON WHY WE’re not a conference contender… 1. No team in nfl history does a defensive philosophy change (4-3 to 3-4) and is good at it right away.. So that means we might not be as stout on defense off the bat.. So that could cause some mistakes and losses early and best case scenario we see things start coming together by mid season and being better by the end.. 2. New coach , new coaching staff, rookie QB and new weapons.. Don’t add up to winning right off the bat.. It takes time to form cohesion and consistency.. It takes time forming a identity.. Unfimilarity breeds mistakes and low confidence.. 3. We really haven’t built depth yet at a lot of positions.. 2 of our supposedly strong spots have major injury concerns… Oline might be missing both starting guards at the start of the season and the Cb are 1 injury away from Evans 200 yard game please stop acting like we have a conference competing roster right now
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