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Everything posted by AKPantherFan

  1. Jesus guys-- we don't know if someone was talked too (which happens all the time regardless of rules) or they just are doing a background check (which is ridiculous for people who have already made it to that type of echelon in the coaching hierarchy) Its a moot point either way--And damn sure not worth arguing over.
  2. Hell-- Maybe we are all overthinking this and DG just doesn't like RR??? Maybe there just isn't much chemistry between the two? Maybe RR and his brush shoulders on behind the scene things we are not privy to? Pad that with RR's record as our head coach and it makes it easy for any GM to start looking for the replacement. As far as we know, DG could have already told RR he is gone unless at the least a very strong playoff push. Then DG being doubtful RR can achieve it, has just begun sorting out who he would look to take over. Practical
  3. Winning cures all. We go on a streak and this topic will be history.. We then Tank the 2nd 1/2 of the season and it will be the hottest topic of Dec.
  4. A variable that folks are not mentioning is that we have a talented young team. AND....... CAM NEWTON....... I guarantee the pedigree of coaches that would apply for the job would be more talented than we have ever seen show interest in Carolina. DG just might be smart enough to let the word out, just to get a feel for interest around the league. Its free advertisement, and could turn out some very interesting results.
  5. I get that, it will play a factor. But in no way will it be a deal breaker for those players. Either way they are looking at a new coach, (if that was to happen) and the options would be to play with players you know, or go somewhere else for more or less money. Way too many variables... You know there are some head coaches that DO come in and start off great. Its all in the selection of the coach.
  6. That makes no sense Mr. Scot. Sorry... But if those guys decide not to extend based on that, then they are off to an unknown team with a new coach anyways. Assuming they get signed elsewhere.
  7. I LOVE it.... I was telling my wife this is good because it wont allow RR to get placid and go back to his ways. He needs to just had the keys to Cam and let him continue to do what he did best in the past- WIN.. Now he cant afford to be conservative... LOVE IT...
  8. So 45 minutes to deadline.... How many more cuts must we make? Hope Brandon Willams makes it...
  9. Yep pretty awesome, been snowing a ton in NOV, but now slowing down. Love it up here!

  10. Hope all is well buddy!!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Got divorced over a year ago. Ex just got all depressed And didnt do much, grew apart and moved on.

  12. hell- i dont know-- i shoot from the hip and forget poo... unlike everyone else on this site who takes this poo serious..

  13. Im gonna miss ya buddy-- you were my best Huddle friend. I will miss the phone calls, and the tailgates... R. I. P.

  14. i dont think smoking their weed is wrong- but there has to be a mutual understanding of what they do cannot set the line of whats acceptable to the children. Its not "do as I say, not as I do", and hope for the best, you have to just set the best example.... Thats all....

  15. hell-- i agree with them mostly, but you have to draw a line at some point to reserve to future of those who are not sound in mind to make the right decisions....

  16. i am not sure- but if you check the site on google you can see -- they will post it.

  17. merry christmas :D

  18. i know what you mean. I like the fact that football is over by 8pm. plus its nice to wake up and start watching football!!!! how long you been on the huddle? how you liking ak weather? good snowmachining down where you live right???

  19. right outside of anchorage.

  20. whats up man!!! cold as hell -15 the last few days :)

  21. i dont know man, I guess when you piss folks off your doing something right... Unless your just an idiot... :D I think its because I tend to "swim against the current" and not just ride the wave..... Life to short to not believe in something, and I stick by my beliefs. And I am just hard headed lol lol :)

  22. happy New Year as well man!!!!

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