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Craig Cartner

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About Craig Cartner

  • Birthday 09/17/1971


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Great move by Dan. Glad he didn't keep him because of the connection.
  2. Best wishes to a speedy recovery. Keep Pounding Sir!!
  3. It all depends on where your seats are. Mint street parking deck is very close to the stadium.
  4. Hey listen at least we will have an early second round pic!!
  5. Given the situation of the Vikings (QB out for the year) can we and should we try and get something for the REDROCKET?
  6. It is unfortunately the only way we can get a fraction of our money back. I take a loss each year I sell tickets. It sucks!!
  7. Praying for you and your family. Also praying that Captain finally gets it.
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