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Sir Purr

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  1. Some people develop a little slower than others. Hell, we're still waiting on you to become a halfway decent poster.
  2. The good ol tanking idiots are at it again I see. Some things never change. Didn't realize how many cuckolds are on here.
  3. If you don’t like this trade you’re a special kind of stupid.
  4. They were basically giving away free money at the beginning, you could bet up to $50 with +100 odds on 1+ shots on goal in Rangers Vs Hurricanes, also Hornets Vs Pistons 1+ total points scored in the game.
  5. You can cash out anytime you want. You can't cash out the $250 they give you, but you can cash out your winnings whenever you like.
  6. I’m up over 1300.00 so far using the free bets from FanDuel, DraftKings, and BetMGM. Most of it thanks to NC State. Just use the free money then transfer your winnings to your bank account and move on to the next one, then repeat the process. If you have discipline you can’t lose
  7. This can’t be true. The huddle told me for years that tanking is necessary to get a top qb. You must be misinformed!
  8. Reading the huddle and taking notes from the “experts”here.
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