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  1. Being a Buffalo fan since the 70’s We need to adopt the chat “Reich & Roll”
  2. Still can’t understand how you can compete a sentence with Brady’s Johnson in your mouth.
  3. Who’s to say he ain’t right ?? now… will it transfer to the NFL ? Who knows.
  4. I believe Tepper has what they call F U Money. good luck Rhule.
  5. This is proven with recites. Johnny Rockets proved it years ago at our tailgate vs Dallas. We walked around asking cowboys fans simple questions bout their team…..95% had no clue and couldn’t give an answer.
  6. Not a Fing chance…. And that’s not just my opinion but the rest of the NFL team’s scheduling interviews.
  7. If Wilks has not interviewed with any other team there is no reason for a second interview.
  8. Never ever ever. Not a f.ing chance. sorry nothing personal
  9. I’ve said for years the side line reporter (which is always a woman) could be naked and I wouldn’t pay attention.
  10. Would have loved to have hired him. Guess it means he’s free of any NCAA sanctions.
  11. Sorry Miami but my HC can’t look like the kid making me an ice cream cone.
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