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Everything posted by run-run-pass-punt

  1. Not speaking to the players in the mock, but I'd love to get Lance and a load of picks in this year's draft. I'd much rather go that route than get Watson at the probable asking price.
  2. I think you try to build a team as efficiently as possible, spending your assets (cap room/players in trade/picks/etc) as wisely as you are able. If we're able to get a QB we want to build around without being careless, I'm all for it. But sometimes doing nothing is the winning move when considering the big picture/long game.
  3. I know it's easy to hate on Hurney - and with good reason, but he does have a track record of some value. Granted, it's limited mostly to his first round picks, and that's counterbalanced very heavily by many major head-scratchers, for sure. But, I'd welcome his voice in the room on a very limited scale. But yeah, Washington has been a proper mess for a good while now, and probably not seeing any real daylight from it anytime soon.
  4. I'm definitely in the trade down/accumulate picks camp. Too many needs. If a QB we like (Lance?) is sitting there at 8, I wouldn't have a problem with taking him and trading back in later rounds though.
  5. I tell Houston, "Good luck." and hang up the phone.
  6. It's all just hypotheticals at the moment. I'll just say that all I want is for the Panthers to win games, and ultimately a Super Bowl, but I don't think this is the best path there. Whatever happens, I hope it works out for the best.
  7. Man, if anything, I'd rather go after a Minshew or Trubisky and trade **down** to get more picks. I want a team - not just a QB. I'm concerned I'm going to be disappointed this off-season one way or another with all this aggressive speculation. Oh well, it's fun drama.
  8. I'm not a fan of Wentz really, but I am a huge fan of Reich. Best possible landing spot, and Reich will likely get the best out of him.
  9. What was the Texans' record last year? An elite QB is crucial, but it takes a team - a concept that may be compromised by the loss of assets and cap.
  10. In an NFL/football forum, people talking about and sharing their interest in the NFL/football seems quite reasonable. People never cease to amaze. I rarely comment (or give any attention to) on any of the pettiness that often goes on around here though. I'd rather just let people have their own energy and dwell in their own misery than absorb any of it into myself. I guess we're all on our own journey though.
  11. Love Watson. Don't love giving up what it will likely take to get him. I get it's a QB league - more so than ever, but you still need other quality pieces and the potential of acquiring other quality pieces within a constantly fluid roster, fluid due to unpredictable injuries and performance. Getting him would hurt our cap flexibility and drain us of significant assets. It would be a short-term exciting splash, but one injury (to Watson) or an obviously ham-strung and unbalanced team would sure have a bitter flavor.
  12. I want no part of Fields, and certainly not at the cost of next year's first as well.
  13. I love Watson, but I never wanted to give up the loot required to land him. The probable cost plus the restrictions (his salary) would have been too much imho.
  14. Sometimes being really good/skilled and having lots of success at what you do ends up being your undoing. You become blind in your "knowledge". You can't learn (see) when you already "know". He's a great coach, but for me, that's what happened to him, and has happened to many others at times - in all walks of life.
  15. Will be an interesting game of musical chairs for sure. And as much as I love Watson, I'd really rather not pay the price. There are better roads to building a complete team while still getting a QB to lead us to the promised land imho.
  16. Not a believer. Would much rather go after (cheap) Minshew or Trubisky in addition to drafting another QB.
  17. I totally agree with these sentiments: "Trading for Minshew is exactly the kind of low-risk, potential high-reward move that championship teams make." I like Minshew enough to give him a shot, especially if he's really cheap to get. He's got a moxie, a "quality" about him that I find intriguing. I always like building a team with genuine competitors at every position. I'd definitely support trying to add him as long as we're trying to remake the position group. He'd be an improvement, whether at backup or starter imho.
  18. You know, I wasn't a fan of Trubisky's coming out of college (at all) and through the beginning of his career in Chicago, but last year I saw a guy that I think still has some room to develop, and with a change of scenery/better tutelage, he might be something more than what I thought he could be. I was very surprised at my own change of tune. I don't know what it was, but I see something untapped, and a hunger in him to be a better player. If he's cheap, I wouldn't mind giving him an opportunity and still addressing the position in the draft. He's got a lot of raw qualities that could make for an effective player if he could put it together.
  19. If everyone in life truly followed their passion/heart, can you imagine?
  20. Ok, I hadn't read that. Thanks for the info.
  21. I don't think there has been conclusive results on how long it can survive on copper - not that I've seen. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151110102147.htm
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