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Moo Daeng

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Everything posted by Moo Daeng

  1. No. It's arguably a bit higher than some would want to give but as a starting point for a negotiation it's not laughable.
  2. If the question is "How's this for analytics?". My honest answer would be that it's rather weak or useless.
  3. but Georgia isn't even in the top 20 this or last year so that they had 1 or so this year or what happened 20 years ago isn't a very relevant analysis. It's pretty much just counting.
  4. I don't think it's realistic to assume that the top 4 are gone at 8. There are too many good players at other positions to force project players like Lance that high.
  5. Who knows. I feel like it's just a lot of speculation as I'm sure the personnel side is tight lipped at this point about their intentions. It just doesn't make much sense form either side to be fast tracking this team building at this point and hamstringing the drafts of the next few years. Now is the time to put in that work.
  6. I think there are some alts running amuck in here recently. There's a pretty clear pattern of actions among them.
  7. I think he was pointing out that 2 numbers aren't analytics. Maybe an interesting anecdote though.
  8. You should probably put at least some effort in to understanding the situation before making such statements. Any one of them will tell you that it was mostly about Pederson vs Lurie approach to new coordinators. https://www.inquirer.com/eagles/philadelphia-eagles-fire-doug-pederson-20210111.html https://twitter.com/phillysport/status/1348744100091203585?s=20
  9. Also, when you got a young breakout player in Burns and you sit him in order to lose you aren't making any friends with players. Either on the roster or who might consider signing. It just doesn't make sense on many levels.
  10. This seems a little more interesting. The colleges with the most players this year. Instead of trends from 20 years ago this focuses on now. Georgia not in the top 22 https://thespun.com/more/top-stories/colleges-super-bowl-rosters-chiefs-bucs And 2020: (though having the Chiefs again would just tend to cause some common schools) https://www.ncaa.com/news/article/2020-02-02/2020-super-bowl-rosters-colleges-49ers-and-chiefs-players
  11. People used to joke about a few who seemed more interested in the draft than games. Now its almost a majority. With some calling for tanking 3 games in. Not sure which genius it was but one of the regulars here was whining about our first win vs the Chargers.
  12. According to Next Gen Stats Newtons time to throw is slower this year than any season he had under Shula that they have stats for....2016 and beyond. Seems to indicate Newton just isn't a guy to get the ball out quickly.
  13. There's no crying in the NFL draft. Move on. So yall are criticizing Rivera for not starting the QB signed off the street a few weeks prior and activated to the roster 1 week prior. The QB everyone said sucked when he was here? To play over their previous years first round pick that half the community is now complaining we didn't just sign. Holy Cow
  14. I think Stafford would be even less likely to want to come to Carolina than Watson.
  15. The Bucs pretty clearly have the better overall talent on paper. I'll wait to see some blatant calls before claiming any type of conspiracy.
  16. If the NFL is fixing games it would be in their interest to focus on the next superstar in Mahomes.
  17. There is no talk of him retiring. He has one more year on his contract.
  18. The interesting angle is that our new GM is from the team (Seahawks) who traded down with us to get more picks. So who knows if we take on that trading down philosophy that Seattle has been known for. Hurney tended to trade up, Seattle tended to trade down.
  19. Jax Jets and Detroit doing wonders over the years with all those top picks. Draft order champs....
  20. Yet DJ Moore was 5th in the league in air yards receiving.
  21. Good luck to him. I ran in to him at a bagel shop in Oregon before the 2015 season. I was cycling around the Northwest and he was driving to Charlotte to begin camp.
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