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  1. the nfl hasn't announced much of anything, which is why its "leaked"
  2. if that is all legit then week 9 bye before TNF is a must.
  3. 1. @ Falcons 2. Saints (MFN) 3. 4. Vikings 5. @ Lions 6. 7. 8. Texans 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Packers 17. @ Jaguars 18.
  4. I live and Florida and grew up outside of Jacksonville, trust me. it could be 81 that day.
  5. hoping we finish either home against falcons or buccs
  6. feel free to fill in, but these dates have been confirmed but numerous sources.
  7. 1. @ Falcons 2. Saints (MFN) 3. 4. Vikings 5. 6. 7. 8. Texans 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Packers 17. @ Jaguars 18.
  8. the game is all mental and if you're bright you can work around your limitations/"flaws". Manziel, Baker, and Kyler aren't in the same ballpark as how Bryce sees the game/field. Brees was. Russell is. that is why they thrive. if you're 6"3 and a doof it doesn't matter if you can sling it or not. yes, putting on weight is important to prevent injury, but none of that will make him a better "football player."
  9. what about Bucs v Car...Baker returns..
  10. i went to FSU, so im bias. but I loved this kid.
  11. I see no chance this happens. We brought in Dalton because you need a competent back up in the NFL. We pay him next to nothing. He knows how to run an offense. He can help Bryce young on the sidelines when the defense is on the field. Help communicate the plays. Dalton is there more than to be on the field.
  12. love it for a rookie QB. next year we do need to find a #1 WR though.
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