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  1. As much as I'm glad Borrego is gone, unlike Rhule, he has an professional resume and will likely have a coaching gig somewhere else in due time. Rhule has no business in the pros and will likely be coaching on borrowed time this season.
  2. I wouldn't mind going after guys like Jay Larranaga or Mike D'Antoni
  3. I think Borrego is fine man and decent coach but this team has too much potential to settle for a guy who was finishing in the 9th and 10th seed every season. Good call.
  4. Doesn't McAdoo hate Baker? I'd rather gamble with Pickett or Willis than try another QB rehab experiment from Rhule and Co.
  5. He's extended his usefulness. Not sure any straight-minded team would take his contract.
  6. JB needs to go. He's done good for this organization but we need a change of leadership as a coach instead of another maverick with puzzling rotations. LaMelo and Miles aren't gonna stay around for consistent mediocrity.
  7. Really like this signing. He was a monster last season with washington.
  8. Maybe shore up extensions for DJ and Gilmore?
  9. Extend DJ Moore and throw the house at a guy like Fletcher Cox.
  10. We are gonna be torched for years to come thanks to a texas car salesman and a wall street scammer. Glad we are out but we've burned so much resources finding a QB.
  11. 0 sacks allowed and 3 penalties made last season. Solid pickup whether we get Watson or not.
  12. Why fire Rhule now when the biggest HC candidates have already been snagged by other teams?
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