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Everything posted by LegioX

  1. I swear some of you people on this forum would give up everything for 1 player.
  2. I mean...you could tank but it would very obvious....
  3. Wonder if Brady will retire if he wins SB this year.
  4. Will Brady please retire already. I’m tired of seeing him win all the time.
  5. I remember during Rivera press conference we were all giddy over the things he was saying. Look at how that turned out. I will reserve judgement when I start seeing the product on the field.
  6. Waste of time thinking the NFL is gonna have a season this year.
  7. Gov of New York is talking about shutting down NYC for 9 months. That crap right there is unsustainable. Something will give. You cannot shut down an economy like that for 9 months.
  8. Mask do not do anything to prevent you from getting it. They are only for people who already have it. all I can say is, this government shutdown of the economy cannot be sustained for much longer. You cannot shut down the economy for a virus like this. Would tank the economy to levels we have never seen.
  9. I’m not old and go to Bob Evans sometimes. They are a good place to go to before hitting the road for a long distance family trip
  10. Yea they are on their way to kill the hordes of Zombies...*rolls eyes*
  11. I did not say to not give a crap about the elderly. Yes we have to help them out and be vigilant. I was going to let my 90 year old great Aunt see my daughter (who is 19months) old for the first time last week, but I decided against it because my wife is still feeling sick from being pregnant and I didn’t want to chance it. So yes I do care about the elderly and family members of my own who are old.
  12. I’m not surprised. I know. I will do my part, but yes a lot of idiots out in this world.
  13. I’m “informed” not scared. This virus affects elderly and people with chronic dieases. If people we dying that are young and healthy and children, then it would be a different story. medical community has stated numerous times that “‘majority” of people getting Cv-19 will only experience mild symptoms.
  14. Well yeah...if I’m coughing or think I have it I’m not going to go to the mall and give it to everyone. Yes everyone should be vigilant and act with precaution. I just think this massive “freak out” from the public is unwarranted.
  15. Sorry I’m not scared. Virus only affects elderly or people with chronic respiratory issues. the way people are panicking right now you would think body carts would be coming to our neighborhood during trash days. I listen to the experts (ie: doctors) and all experts are saying that the media is blowing this way out and have no idea what they are talking about. Basically saying stop reporting on medical issues you have no clue about.
  16. Here food for thought. In 2009 the Swine flu hit the USA. On Nov 12th 2009, CDC reported 22 million Americans were infected with the virus, while 4,000 had died. where was the panic then? Did NCAA shut down? Then NHL, NBA shut down? Did school close? Did functions of society close down? Hell I don’t remember. So...why is everyone frecking out now?
  17. It’s common sense man. Why wouldn’t he be? I’m talking in pure non partisan manner. This is the President (regardless of whoever it is) he has a doctor follow him around 24/7.
  18. They are both the President and Vice President of THE US of A. If you think for one second they haven’t been tested or monitored 24/7 you have your head in the sand.
  19. Out of 39 US deaths, 26 of those came from 1 nursing home. Social media has a lot to do with this panic. Mind blowing.
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