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Everything posted by LegioX

  1. With as many shots they were putting on the opposing goalie I knew one would eventually go in.
  2. Charlotte is where the wine and cheese crowds live. Real sports fans from NC live around the triangle. IE: chapel hill, Durham, and Raleigh. I would say Greenville (ECU) to, but they are out there alone.
  3. Who would think Hockey is the powerhouse professional sport in the Carolinas. Panthers need to get their poo together.
  4. Thankfully we have a Hockey team and a basketball team to turn our attention to. Who would have thought “Hockey” being more successful in the Carolinas than football.
  5. For now I’m actually not paying attention to Panther football. Hurricanes? They are 5-0 and seem to be a hell of a lot more competent than the Panthers..
  6. Trade for Watson. Gets injured first game because OL can’t block for crap and he breaks his arm while getting sacked by 5 dudes.
  7. Sorry I just saw deangelo and thought of our running back. Working 2 weeks straight and worked 17hours yesterday. I need more coffee
  8. Running back one thing. Face of a franchise? Completely different. Sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable signing a guy that has multiple accusations against him. Especially something of this caliber. I don’t care how good he is.
  9. At least the Hurricanes are undefeated and not looking at signing a possible #metoo poster child.
  10. I don’t like it. The mans cases are not even adjudicated yet. There are so many variables that can go horribly wrong. IE: him being found guilty, then egg splatter all over our faces. While Texans laugh to the bank with high draft picks.
  11. Brady will eventually retire and bucs will fall back into being crap.
  12. People on this forum don’t care. They just want to trade for him and worry about that later.
  13. Set us ahead how? We will be giving up a crap ton of picks and maybe a good player. What the hell is Watson going to do behind that OL?
  14. Every year we get our hopes up and every year we start looking to the draft not even half way into the season
  15. What does race have to do with it? Hire the person most qualified for the position. Good grief.
  16. I rather play with a sandpaper dildo than continue watching this game.
  17. Sitting here in traffic at the fair is better than watching this POS team.
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