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Everything posted by LegioX

  1. Eh I really don’t care. Whoever we pick between CJ and Young I’ll support. I’m not going to get my panties in a wade on a QB I have absolutely have no control over picking.
  2. Man…after the crap seasons we had with Rhule. Who could imagine Panther fans arguing who the #1 pick should be this month. My have the tables have turned
  3. Are we going to have fights in the nose bleed sections of BOA between Panther fans if one of their boys don’t play well?
  4. Carolina Panther fans are turning into twilight fans and their back and forth between team Jacob and team Edward.
  5. I have the best prediction. I predict nobody knows a darn thing until Goodell calls the name
  6. So he is basically what we like to call a “glass cannon” very good gun/arm, but crappy armor/body& weight
  7. I ordered a fish sandwhich from Burger King once and I got food poisoning. Never again will I order any seafood product from a fast food joint.
  8. I thought you were saying the lyrics to the Police song “every move you make”
  9. just go ahead and get it over with. Fight to the death. Winner takes QB of choice.
  10. I swear if we draft Young and he struggles ALOT due to his size and body I will just give up on this franchise.
  11. Young’s height and size concerns me ALOT. He is just one big hit away from injury or getting rattled.
  12. The NFL is all about sink or swim. Taking chances can either be very good or very bad. And that’s what separates very good and bad teams.
  13. NFL is all about taking chances. You have to have a franchise QB to get anywhere in this league. That’s a fact.
  14. That’s usually how #1 picks go….they always go to the team with the most needs.
  15. Finally something to be excited for after this crap season. Please just don’t F the pick up.
  16. See. If we just had keep sucking and not won some meaningless games we wouldn’t be in this position.
  17. Why does race always have to be in the conversation? Hire who is best for the job, regardless if their white, black, purple, I don’t care. Good grief.
  18. Eagles fans are some of the worst in the NFL. Nothing but man babies with anger issues fill those seats in Philly. They deserve this loss.
  19. Didn’t watch. But hearing the eagles lost brings joy to my heart. Eagle fans are almost as bad as cowboy fans.
  20. Tell me the NFL wasn’t going to let Manning retire without a Super Bowl. Didn’t the same thing happened to Ray Lewis when he announced his retirement? NFL is rigged to a point. let the NFL golden boy retire with a Super Bowl or have small market team panthers with a show boating QB win? Yeah that answer is obvious.
  21. I swear. If we hire another damn mediocre defensive minded HC I’m done with this crap franchise and I been here since the beginning.
  22. Man feels like yesterday half the people on the board were bitching and complaining about the saints season where they were head hunting players. Remember that? Or everyone have short term memory loss?
  23. Bonus for being a UNC grad. Go to hell Duke!
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