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  1. Yeah but they are opening middle up for the Eagles QB now. When nothing is opening he just runs for a huge gain.
  2. KC just has no answer. Love it
  3. Let’s hope. Eagles are definitely making him rattle.
  4. Because it had a banging guitar solo intro. But let’s get back to the game and watching eagles play great (for now)
  5. I’ll stick with the music I like. Nothing against the singer. I just don’t know him. Not my forte
  6. Bring out ACDC and start with thunderstruck. That would have gotten the juices rolling.
  7. Never heard of him. I’m stuck in Aerosmith, Def Leppard, sting, twisted sisters, AHA, motley crew, AC/DC, disturbed, etc etc…
  8. I couldn’t understand a word he said. Yes I would rather watch a halftime show with popular songs. No matter the genre. I mean even Eminem have rap songs that are insanely popular and recognizable. Maybe I’m just old school
  9. Can I get the minutes I wasted watching whatever I just watched from halftime show? That was the most pathetic halftime show I have ever seen
  10. Wtf is this crap they call at halftime show?
  11. Be nice to bring the chiefs fanbase down a notch
  12. Something make me wonder what the hell was he thinking mentality when he came into the league. He is way better than what he was. Just scared shitless? Slow learner?
  13. I’m just glad he is improving. Substantially I would say from pre benching. Now we can use our high draft pick on a pressing need and not another QB.
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