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  1. I've gone from 'watch every game, heart palpitating when it starts, depressed for days after a loss' to 'oh wait, the Panthers played today, let me go check to see who won...or, more likely, how bad we lost.' I hope to eventually get back to at least some portion of the previous position (less palpitations as I get older though) but it won't be for several years. I'm one of those who's never had faith in our coaching or FO. Same ol', same ol. Oh look! We started the game with a run up the middle for no gain again. Wow. As long as they keep trying to get the new, shiny object like Young they'll never be good. One injury at any position and they don't have a solid backup. I'd prefer every spot on the roster to be a 2nd, 3rd or 4th round pick so when someone goes down, it truly is 'next man up' but the mentality of the NFL right now is for shiny objects.
  2. Tackling...again. Year after year we get this shoulder hits so they can get a highlight on ESPN instead of making sure the opponent gets no further down the field. I'd bench every player that does that for the game as a message, no matter the cost. Unacceptable.
  3. All I can say is: Congratulations Chicago on your 1st round pick.
  4. LOFL. I'll finish the game just for laughs. Wow. I really fell for the hype. I thought we might be ok this year, not world-beaters, but not utter shyte. Damn, I was wrong.
  5. He should at least 'try' to tackle though right? Instead of trying to make an ESPN highlight. I'd sit every player that did this for 1 game, star player or not, because it's such toxic behavior.
  6. Back in the day I might say something like "this is going to be a long season". Thankfully, I don't have to do that anymore, I'll just stop watching/caring and casually check to see who we draft next year and hope we don't put absolute poo on the field next year. Oh well. This isn't looking good.
  7. Yeah, tackling is still bad after all these years...
  8. 3 damn turnovers are going to be hard to come back from. Otherwise, we're dominating.
  9. Now that was a tackle! Just how it's supposed to be. No chance the Falcon player was getting around him. Didn't look "pretty" but it was EFFECTIVE.
  10. Offense plays looking better. Falcon's committing to stopping the run so hit them with the short passes...
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