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Everything posted by UnluckyforSome

  1. The thing is, Wilks punted from midfield, when there was no tomorrow, in a must-win game, a playoff elimination game. I'm sure he thought to himself, we have a 14 point lead, and my defense is going to be good enough to stop them the rest of the game. Except it wasn't, and by the way, here's Brady and Evans, again and again and again. We have seen that song and dance so many times as fans, and just because it's familiar, doesn't make it right.
  2. I think you are just feeling the cumulative effect. They've been bad the entire time. When they didn't look like a real NFL team in preseason, most people scoffed and said "blah blah blah we're talking about practice?" and then when they looked bad against Atlanta it was "1st game jitters, and Atlanta is supposed to be pretty good, and it was on the road too." They've been the same crummy, awful team from the beginning.
  3. There's not much of value on this roster. When you look around, most of it has been traded away already. The worst part about all that is what was bought with it.
  4. Young is a bust. Back to square 1, and maybe they've learned some lessons for this next rebuild attempt.
  5. I've not watched any of it. It will only make me mad. Saints and Patriots instead.
  6. I apologize if it seemed I was implying this would come to pass in the next few days or weeks. Of course it won't. All of those things have not stopped teams from leaving when they've decided it's time to leave. It all gets negotiated down and concessions are made and financial deals are struck.
  7. Big East might take them in. Otherwise maybe they form a regional conference. Tobacco Road Conference. See if ECU and Elon want to get in on it. UNCC and UNCG as well.
  8. The Big 10 and SEC payouts are 49 and 50 million respectively. The ACC is 39 million. There might be some spare change numbers on those but those are the amounts. Rivalries are awesome. No argument there. It all gets down to the dollars though, and 10 million is enough to get eyes and hearts wandering.
  9. Basketball doesn't generate the revenue that football brings. If and when Clemson and FSU decide to go elsewhere, 2 national brand football programs will be gone. That will have some sort of effect on the TV deal when it comes up, and then it will be a ripple effect of the other programs of note jumping ship as well. Eventually it could be like the reformed Big East, which isn't a bad thing basketball-wise, but that's the end of it.
  10. There is absolutely no threat to them coming out of the SEC West either.
  11. ND-Loserville 7-7 nearly at the half. ND not living up to their ranking tonight.
  12. The more I think of it, the more I think that at some point there will be just a group of teams that run their own thing, independent of the NCAA. Maybe something similar in some ways to Premier League. I'm not sure how it would work, but it's reasonable to believe that since this is all about money, then what do the top tier programs gain from sharing their money with the Northwesterns, Wake Forests and Vanderbilts out there?
  13. New rivals might be a good thing. NC State will never win the ACC in basketball again. But, in a good year, they might have a shot in the Big 12.
  14. Murray has not developed any after college. He is the same player with the same flaws and blemishes he had at Oklahoma. He's bigger than Young, so there's that, I suppose.
  15. So does this mean the NFL version of Curry is still on the way? The point guard ball distributor super computer mega processing magician will be making his presence known soon? The Tide that raises all ships will be rolling in on Sunday. Excitement!
  16. So what's the plan? Are we going to call up the formerly worst team in the league and offer up more players and/or picks for their malcontent underachieving wr that they've currently exiled from the team?
  17. Regression to the mean. All those great bounces they got last season aren't going their way this time around.
  18. It's Tepper. Right or wrong, the buck stops with him. You don't like the gm? The coach? The qb? They didn't hire themselves.
  19. Limited spots to relocate, but there are a few out there. St. Louis would probably be the easiest to pull off. SLC, San Antonio, San Diego, Oakland, Orlando, Austin, Sacramento, Providence and Portland would be other possibilities but most of those would face some opposition from current teams and what they see as home markets. If European expansion ever happens it won't be 1 team on an island to itself. Think more along the lines of the Big 10 taking in a chunk of the PAC.
  20. Thomas is a waste of payroll. Maybe he wears that Spongebob costume really well when they visit the hospital to pass out Halloween candy to sick kids. Other than that he brings nothing. Never has.
  21. Absolutely, in regards to the last years of his 23 year ownership tenure. There was a time when he would spend foolishly for big names at the end of their careers, and would seek out splash moves to promote the team. The team won 2 playoff games during his reign. It is reasonable to say he never cared about winning, and the big signings were all show to keep the dollars rolling in. It wasn't just about fielding garbage teams though. Some may not remember that he also sued season ticket holders at 1 point, and charged for tailgating and training camp visits, and let the facilities fall apart, and then think that Tepper would not or could not do that. If you think Tepper cares more about the bucks than than product on the field, then he could certainly be just as bad if not worse.
  22. It is a possibility, and will be going forward since there will be some sort of stadium resolution in the near future.
  23. Snyder is maybe the best comparison to Tepper, in the way that it seems there's always a "quick fix" and only he can make it happen. He is not in the league anymore of course, but he hung around for way too long, if that's what we have to look forward to as well.
  24. Well I'm sure any day now all that all-star power we heard so much about in the fluffy feel-good summer stories will kick in. It even reminds me a little bit of all the progress and improvement that was going on under Rhule that only he could see.
  25. Spanos, Haslam and Brown are all probably worse, but I can't think of many more than those 3.
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