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Everything posted by UnluckyforSome

  1. I prefer to not waste my time with internet cretins like yourself. You have nothing of value to add to any discussion here, so I am confident that I will not be missing anything you manage to vomit forth here as a....contribution.
  2. Nothing wrong with taking the positives that we can. I mean they did play better today. Not enough to get a win, but incremental progress is progress. Merry Christmas, you know.
  3. If Burns thinks he should be paid like the best, this is his time to make his presence known.
  4. It's taken a while, and he is no where near my favorite Panther rb, but I like Hubbard. He's been on garbage teams his entire time, but he still puts in the effort.
  5. On their power rankings this past week, ESPN listed where each team lead the league. The Panthers are number 1 in least amount of plays with a 4th quarter lead, with a grand total of 0. So there's a superlative that we are carrying on with today.
  6. Agree, but I don't think that's Dalton. I think his days are done. It needs to be a player that can win the job, and if it comes right down to it, is the starter. I think it would be best to avoid reclamation projects like Wilson, who has already shown over and over he is not the guy either.
  7. They haven't won anything with Pitts. I know there are other factors at play there, but they aren't winning a thing with him so far. Meanwhile I think every Lions game I've watched this year has their rookie TE getting catches, yards and TDs all over the place. I guess we just can't have nice things anymore.
  8. It's well past time to get a TE that can make an impact on the field. Walls or Olsen are not walking through that door. No need to have another year of Ian Thomas's services.
  9. We probably don't have a good enough steak with a glass of cold milk to satisfy him. Not a combo we see very often here.
  10. It could go that way. I think your points estimate for the Panthers is a little generous. In the 11 games since our offensive explosion of 27 points versus Seattle, we have averaged a paltry 13.8/game. We've had 2 straight games of single digit scoring, and 2 more of just 10 points. 4 out of the last 5 games are not supportive of 16 points. Conversely, in those same 11 games we are giving up 24.2/game, with 2 42 point games and a 33 point game.
  11. It means they won their 2nd game. Other than that, might be grasping at straws and a little bit of wishful thinking. Credit where credit is due, they doubled their win total.
  12. Looks like USFL/XFL attendance levels. Understandable though since those are appropriate comparisons in quality.
  13. There's no payment to my knowledge. The story as I know it is the official board was getting the plug pulled, and nearly all of the long-time regulars over there set up their own show. There was talk about vetting and keeping the members somewhat exclusive, but that sort of went away. I'm on the board, not under this name, and it is essentially the same as the old board.
  14. I didn't know I was waking up to a Christmas miracle today. Panthers won, Falcons lost, Cowboys currently down 14-0. God bless us, everyone!
  15. It's cold comfort, but they are in the mediocre muddle. They can part with picks and players over a barrel, or take a swing at another next tier guy.
  16. That's been closed for almost a year now. They got tired of the trolling from Saints fans mostly.
  17. It might be their only chance to see CMC and the Niners this season.
  18. Atlanta losing is always a treat. That's the best part of today.
  19. Mike Evans sure would be nice to steal from the Bucs next year. It would probably cripple them as an added bonus. With our luck, we overpay and watch him get a career-ending injury in the preseason.
  20. For a moment I was having to prepare myself to watch the god awful Panthers since the local CBS was full of urgent weather reports about floods and thunderstorms.
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