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Everything posted by UnluckyforSome

  1. Last 2 games of the season are on the road. NFL would prefer not to broadcast angry fans with bags on their heads instead of having fun and enjoying the game.
  2. Love them of course. Doesn't mean I can't be critical, or that there are periods where I just have to put them to the side for a while. This will be the 4th consecutive season of 5 wins or less. I'm an adult male. I'm not cheering for that rubbish. I've always wondered how the Falcons have any fanbase at all. Seriously, if that represented a real relationship, every man or woman should have left already due to severe emotional abuse. We aren't at that level yet, but these losing seasons have to come to an end before we end up in that position.
  3. How bad is it? You know it's bad when we collectively start looking back longingly for the heydays of Fox and Rivera. At least we have finally arrived at the magical year 3 of the Rhule administration.
  4. 2020. A surprise win over the most-hated Falcons made the team 3-2, 3 straight wins, what a pleasant surprise. I did not expect us to be good that season, but was very pleased at that point. The remainder of the season didn't bring anywhere near the same level of success, but I think many of us felt positive about the team and with so many close loses that next season potentially would be different. It was. It was worse.
  5. I think I've been round a loooong time. But that's ok. Things happen. log-ins are lost, pw forgotten, etc.
  6. Shh. Seriously. Back in a previous era, but nothing that had any influence or role in any sort of important decisions. I am glad you got the nothing to play for in week 7 reference.
  7. The losing? The sarcasm meter definitely wasn't upgraded. No hard feelings though. I made my prediction here back on 8/20. 2 or 3 wins. Giants might be a win. I wouldn't count on it though.
  8. Maybe next week? I mean certainly we won't lose to the Giants? They're terrible. I know it was last year, but just because they manhandled us, banged all up, and with nothing to play for, blew us out 25-3, that can't happen again. Not this season. We've upgraded all over the place.
  9. Let's see if our 3rd quarter woes carried over from last season too.
  10. Why would anyone want to see a reenactment of the Al Davis-Lane Kiffin breakup? That's the only time I can recall that an owner apologized for making a wrong hire or admitted making a mistake of that magnitude. He even had an overhead projector brought out for some portion of the presentation on just how awful Kiffen was as a head coach. Embarrassing I would think for a fanbase.
  11. Stop their run, at minimum to the point they aren't getting chunks of yards. Be the better defense. This could be a brief return to John Fox style of game. Punts aren't a bad play, win the field position battle, play to our strengths. Make their QB play directly into what our strength is supposed to be, superior pass defense and secondary. If we can do that, we can ugly out a win against them.
  12. Teddy jerseys have probably made it down to Guatemala by now as part of a humanitarian outreach program. Darnold gear looks bound for Ukraine, if I had guess the next place in need.
  13. 2-2, but the record is secondary to whether or not the team has "it" and looks like it can be competitive. Eye of the tiger. Haven't seen it so far this year, instead let's have some more QB competition. My issue is Rhule. He is in over his head. He needs to go back to college and find a nice little low expectations underdog that he can turn around in a short period of time and then be off to his next the next challenge.
  14. I always wait until preseason to make any predictions, since historically, when we've been bad in preseason it carries over true to the real games. It's not about winning or losing, but more just how the team plays and looks and carries itself in the preseason that I look at. That said, I have no confidence in Rhule. Zero. At least he hasn't admitted his surrender yet with a public comment about how he has to play Alabama every week now. 2-15 or 3-14, and it needs to be that bad to break up this arrangement. 7 or 8 wins keeps him here because of progress, and there can be some more "teams lose when they don't know why they lose" nonsense. We split with Atlanta. They are on a similar level of ineptitude with us. I lean towards Seattle being the other win, but the trip itself coupled with it being later in the season worries me a bit. The 3rd win if applicable, Atlanta, New Orleans which is very mortal after the 1st string defense, Detroit, Browns, only as a Baker revenge game since I do feel we are overmatched by their defense, or the Giants, although getting manhandled by a lesser version of the Giants last year is a concern. Most of the schedule offers little hope. Even teams like the Steelers, that are probably looking at a disappointing year, have an advantage since we have yet to show we can stop the run in 4 years now.
  15. On a strictly my opinion level, he should find something else to do for a job. His privilege of playing in a lucrative and high profile sports league should be over. I am all for redemption and forgiveness for the most part, but there are consequences and sometimes an offense is terrible enough that the consequence is not having that part of life anymore. As an example, on a personal level, Vick never should have been allowed back. Don't care if some thought he deserved a 2nd chance. Don't care if he served his time. Vick killed dogs for sport, profit and fun. He should've been told to find something else to do.
  16. Ridley also was guilty of betting on Falcons games from what I recall. Even though he wasn't playing, that carries a bit more weight and isn't a great look.
  17. Despite the documented ridiculousness of the deal that was given Rhule, and Tepper's continued support for his coach, I do believe he could be shown the door this season if there is obvious regression by the team, and/or Rhule completely loses the team, and players are doing their own thing, ignoring coaching, and mailing it in after the 1st quarter etc. Can't have that happening, ego and hubris be damned.
  18. Have to wait until preseason. When the team has looked bad in preseason it's carried over to the regular season. Right now, I have them winning 2 games. Split with Atlanta since they are just as terrible, and then another win somewhere. Maybe that Detroit game. QB is not NFL-quality, none of the backups are either. OLine is a complete work in progress. We haven't stopped the run consistently in at least 5 seasons. Donte is a liability on defense minus his 1 factor of speed. He's not a tackler. I keep seeing Gamble hopelessly riding Alge Crumpler's back as he rambled into the end zone for a game winner when I watch Donte attempt tackles. There are bright spots, and there are talented players. They aren't there yet though, and there are several critical trouble spots that are going to be treacherous all season long in my opinion.
  19. The unrealistic trade with Washington makes this impossible, although Smarty Marty could maybe certainly be hoodwinked..
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