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Everything posted by UnluckyforSome

  1. Nothing but pain. https://youtu.be/SL7B5GXdm-8?si=t6UN4r5OmHIbZXhd
  2. Young has blast processing, just like the Genesis. https://youtu.be/bun8tA_ksZw?si=tePOcz9_j4rAqUBq
  3. More on the Bucs. That fanbase is ready to get out the pitchforks and torches, but they have been spoiled and have forgotten their identity. https://www.joebucsfan.com/2023/11/stats-that-can-get-your-fired-ii/ All our NFC South pals are having trouble, and I know many of us were looking at this year as the chance to take back the division. Too bad it hasn't worked out that way, at least this season.
  4. I'm not so sure what Young can do. To this point he hasn't looked the part at all. But specifically, no, I would not have any confidence in him making that throw successfully.
  5. I don't think my answer was about the Bengals.
  6. Don't care any about Tee Higgins. I'm always a little happier when the Falcons lose though.
  7. 13 minutes, but a Bengals score here might put it out of reach.
  8. They could. They could win out. Or something in between. Very insightful.
  9. Absolutely. The AFC is top heavy. In the past 10 wins would just about guarantee a playoff spot. 10 wins this year may just get you left out instead. It could be an interesting race down the stretch.
  10. For most teams, other than the Panthers of course, the season is only half over and lots could happen.
  11. Nah. But it will be something when the Dolphins win the East, and the AFC North snaps up 3 wildcards and the Bills get to sit at home in the snow and cold. It's just speculation though. For fun.
  12. Of course. Live by the sword and die by the sword. He isn't Winston level, but..
  13. We've all heard what he is. It's nothing but words. He looks like the next high profile bust, rather than the next Brees.
  14. He single-handedly lost that Jets game. Agreed that gunslingers are going to do what they do, for better or worse. Every so often, that "it's just 1 loss" has a way of counting at the end of the season.
  15. It would be difficult to pull off since half+/- are opposing fans. We'd have to convince them to play along. I guess we could trade them a draft pick. We don't know what to do with them anyway.
  16. Allen just plays a little too recklessly and carelessly with the ball. When the Bills get eliminated again this year, it won't be because of their lack of run game, or injuries on the defense.
  17. Yes indeed. It wouldn't surprise me to see all of the AFC North in the playoffs. Even Cleveland with that defense. Burrow though has certainly changed the trajectory of that franchise.
  18. I agree..not trying to imply it isn't bad. More so, as fans, we have no power or say so. So, I didn't watch any of that shitshow. I've had a good Sunday watching the Falcons, Bucs and Cowboys lose.
  19. That really is more reflective of the days before everything was dictated by the rookie wage scale. But, to your point, that was brought into being for situations exactly like this, where teams have made a pick that is not looking the part.
  20. No other alternative. That team doesn't give a fug about you. No point in getting worked up over it. Save that passion for when it matters again, not this garbage that gets put out on the field. I've watched maybe 30 minutes of Panthers football this season. I watched most of the preseason. They are terrible, I know they are terrible, and I'm not going to get wrapped up in their terribleness.
  21. I don't know how you all watch this poo weekend after weekend. All it does is make me mad and ruins the time spent watching games. I appreciate what you do. The Falcons lost, the Bucs lost, and the Cowboys are losing. Been a good Sunday so far.
  22. I don't think it's a tough decision at all. There's no way to justify paying him with his current history of being available. It's very unfortunate, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Not the 1st time that an athlete has their career truncated due to injury.
  23. Jimmy G is also benched in favor of McConnell.
  24. It takes time to sort and swallow a handful of pills. I've always liked the story that came out about Al Davis' interview of Kiffin. He suggested they keep talking over dinner and sent someone out to get a big bag of regular McDonalds cheeseburgers for the two of them.
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