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Everything posted by UnluckyforSome

  1. Will Levis has a mayo endorsement deal? Good for him. NFL probably not going to work out for him anyway.
  2. Hell, we saw Fox go get some dope sitting on the couch instead, and then get snappy about it.
  3. The absolute worst will be having to turn back to Bust Young if there is an injury. How can he be pushed back out there after today's performance? Cut bait.
  4. Nobody is printing up playoff tickets, but it was great they looked competent, competitive, and victorious, instead of the punching bag that they've been for the entire Bust Young era. If he had played today, it would've been more of the same, 30-6, and we all know it.
  5. Take a stroll over to twitter for some Dalton and Panthers kudos. It's a nice change.
  6. Lots of blowouts today. It's good we are on the right side of that today. It's been way too long.
  7. Bryce is watching Netflix on his phone. Just leave him alone. He needed a break from football.
  8. It doesn't matter. We are a terrible and pathetic team that hasn't been good in a decade. Until we get good again it's a bunch of low hanging fruit.
  9. The Jets sent Wilson and a 7th to Denver for a 6th. Wilson has won a few games. I'm not sure Young would fetch a better price.
  10. Seeing the little fella out there like that would be money well spent.
  11. Not the worst idea. The only things we seem to draft well are lbs and rbs.
  12. Why would the Dolphins, with a dynamic high octane downfield passing attack, give up draft capital, and a player, to bring in someone that has shown no ability to drive the ball down the field? I get they are maybe in the qb market, but that is not a fit.
  13. If Young has any trade value at all, and that is a big if, a 7th round pick would be a reasonable expectation. Teams will hold on to better back-up qbs just because of the value of having a capable starter on emergency standby. Promote Plummer and hope he never has to play. It keeps Young from getting back on the field.
  14. He should've been made 3rd string, and immediately someone else brought in for 2nd or promote Plummer. Now we are in a situation where if/when Dalton is injured for any amount of time, Bryce is back.
  15. Well the book on Tepper to this point is he is impatient, unreasonable and doesn't know what he is doing. So, you kind of have to put benching the #1 overall pick from the previous season into that context. Not saying it is right or wrong, just that is the reality of framework right now.
  16. Well it is of course incorrect, and lazy, but that's to be expected when the perception is out there that the team has to sell tickets for pocket change, the owner fires coaches on whims, and throws drinks on fans.
  17. Essentially they went back to his Alabama highlights, and how could he be so bad now??? Nevermind that he physically cannot hack it at this level.
  18. Just to say, there is a very strong counter narrative out there that the Panthers completely failed Young and he was never going to be successful here with this trainwreck of a franchise. I heard the same story on 2 national sports talk radio shows this early morning on the drive in to work.
  19. Knowing how this franchise has operated recently, we will take a punter first overall if his RAS scores hit some marks.
  20. The wheels kind of came off towards the end of the season last year from what I recall. They couldn't stop anyone.
  21. Philly looks very meh. They probably still win the East, but I don't think they are a Superbowl contender.
  22. Atlanta looking like they are already tired of tackling Barkley.
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