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Carolina Cajun

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Everything posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. Eh, Moore is down the list on the guys I'm interested in. He's like Lafell, shown just enough to make me think he can be a solid #2, but never shown enough to convince me that he could even be even a decent #1 in case of an injury. Nicks, Shorts, and Torrey Smith have all shown flashes as a good #1 before, those are guys I'd rather give a shot.
  2. I agree, and Cobb will be better than Lafell, Avant, Legatron, and the dozen other turds we've trotted out as supposed "decent #2 or 3 options" outside of smitty and KB. Cobb is a decent receiver, but he benefits greatly by being made a better receiver because of who's throwing him the ball. Bree's is not the only QB who makes bad receivers look good. Tom Brady has made a career of doing this. Remember Deon Branch? Yea, I might be the only one, but Brady made him a 1000 yard receiver. Troy Brown? Wes Welker? Hell, Brady made Lafell relevant this year. Then there's Peyton Manning. Remember Brandon Stokely, an alum from my school...yea, he made him a 1000 yard receiver. What about Greg Jennings, he fell off the map after he left Green Bay. The ELITE Qb's regularly do this with subpar receivers, and rarely when big name receivers go to new teams do they match the high numbers they had before. I just feel that Cobb with a human QB is about a 8-900 yard receiver, but he's gonna get paid like a clear cut #1 and I'm not sure if his market value will be close enough to his real value for Gettleman to pull the trigger. Just because we're shopping at Target doesn't mean you should pay 10$ for a product that's only worth 5$.
  3. I can totally agree with Cobbs return ability and he does have a good amount of versatility and his shiftiness. My concern is I think he's gonna command a ton on the open market and I don't think his value will match with what the market will be willing to pay. Crabtree could fall to us in price, and I'd love to have him, but he is a guy who sat out for a century before signing with the 9ers for money on his rookie contract. He has the talent, I'm just not sure if with his greed if he'd be a guy Gettleman would be willing to go after. Kearse would be a guy I could see coming here easy as his contract is not gonna be too demanding. I still believe that Shorts when healthy would be a good compliment to KB. Bottom line for Gettleman IMO is looking for players real value vs their market value, the best value that matches what we can afford will be where we go. I really think our big FA signing this offseason will be a Tackle like Doug Free which would put us in prime position in the draft to just go BPA up and down the board.
  4. I know I'm the only one who feels this way, but I'm uneasy in regards to Cobb. I rarely, if ever, see a receiver go from an elite QB and offense like that of Green Bay and recreate the same success. I'm not saying he's not a good receiver, but how many of the receivers on the end of Peyton Manning passes have excelled in other systems? Tom Brady? Drew Brees? I'm in no way saying Cam isn't an good QB, but he's not an elite passer, I'd say he's an average passer and elite runner, and his TOTAL game is what makes him an elite QB. Watch, it will be someone like Shorts out of this Free Agent group that has the most upside in the long run.
  5. The court system planned the court date, not him. I don't blame him 1 iota for sitting at home in his boxers and watching scooby doo, That said, for her to go along with it then, means she helped fabricate a situation over the summer when no one knew that this kind of positive outcome (for him) was an option. In fact, his possible outcome could have been a 3 game suspension plus adding a red flag to his market value which is still there. If this was his "plan", then he is a complete idiot. No way did he make this up so he could get out of playing football this year.
  6. Oh my sweet Jesus...no, I'm not saying this, and no one is saying this, but there was 13 million dollars used last year on a player who played 1 game for us last year. I did believe that when we tagged him it was dumb without knowing this was going to happen because 13 mil could have gone towards us getting competent receivers or tackles. AGAIN, fans have the right to be pissed off. It's like when a kid has their parents credit card. It's super easy for them to go on a shopping spree because it's not THEIR money they're wasting and it was super easy for the NFL to make this decision because it was the panthers money they were wasting.
  7. ...except that the NFL had no policy at the time regarding domestic violence...especially one that would have someone stay at home and get paid while not having to play...but I'm gonna go with what you said.
  8. Yup, like he said before he got tagged, he's gonna wait for someone to show up with a a truckload of money.
  9. NFL doesn't owe him an apology, the NFL owes the panthers organization an apology. Why would anyone apologize to Hardy? Dude got paid a ridiculous amount of money to play madden and work on a rap career.
  10. Because we wasted 13 million dollars in cap space last season on a guy who shouldn't have been suspended. That money could have been used on players that could have helped us go further in the playoffs than we did. Fans have the right to be pissed the fug off, but ultimately it will not affect us going forward because he will not be a panther next season.
  11. I knew this was a possibility, but...just wow. Thanks Goodell, you did a great job of wasting a ton of the Panthers money. Time to move on.
  12. I've said just that. Credit to Butler for making a great play and flat out jumping the route, but there was no reason for him to lead the receiver, it's not like he needed a run after the catch. Wilson, if anything, was the worst part of the play. Seattle had the personnell matchup in their favor, and like I've said, a pass was not the worst play call in the world considering IF they have to run 3 plays from the 1, 1 would have to be a pass, why not then when the matchup favored them and open the playbook the next 2 plays. Wilson never looked at any other receiver and the pass was not good. IMO, he cost them the game.
  13. I honestly think that 1,2, and 4 need to happen for it to be an option. If he plays for league min, he'd essentially be giving money back because lets even say on the low side he'd get 5-6 mil on the open market, thats 4-5 mil essentially given back to the team. I don't think he will be back, because I see zero chance that he plays for the league min, we shall see though.
  14. Also, a name to add to this list will be Anthony Collins. We showed interest in him last offseason and he is almost assuredly going to be cut by the Bucs. After his atrocious play with the bucs last year, he will definitely will not be getting the money he got last offseason meaning he will be in play in our price range. I wouldn't rule him out as an option, at his worst he's still an improvement over Bell, and he has the upside to be a very good LT. As for Receivers I know Shorts isn't the sexy name, but I think he's a legit #2 who can compliment KB in a huge way. They both do different things, but Shorts has been a good receiver when healthy on a bad Jags team with atrocious QB play, I'd like to see what he can do with a Legit QB throwing to him.
  15. We're also probably like 2-20 in games before we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs. See you in December when we give a poo about winning games. Panthers new slogan "Panthers players throw the best playoff football parties?"
  16. Anger isn't the right word. I knew this game was over in the 3rd unfortunately. If we can't beat the Cards, no way we win anything this year. No one say a goddamn word about the P word, we're not reeling off 12 straight, we're not doing poo. We are yet again, the joke of the NFL. Please fire Rivera. I'm angry, but , apathy is setting in, I just don't give a fug. Time to do some yardwork on sundays.
  17. So proud of melvin today! I think we have ourselves a keeper at corner.
  18. D has stepped up so far in both games, time to make a statement, especially because they are short handed. Lets pressure Manuel and get another turnover here!!!
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