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Carolina Cajun

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Everything posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. You nailed it, it's why I'm not freaking out about Oher...yet. He does look like crap, but there are players who are gamers, hell Jake Delhomme was known as being very bad in practice and then game time could play lights out (well, when he was in his prime atleast). I'm willing to wait until a game to pass major judgement on him, hell, he doesn't have a high bar to reach. Remember, the O-line was playing well down the stretch last year, and that was with Bell manning the left side, so if he can just play as good as bell did at the end of 2014, we'll be fine.
  2. Guys I haven't heard a lot about and am interested if they're having a good camp, Melvin White, Robert Lester, and Joe Webb. This is an important camp for all of them, all could make the team or straight away get cut, so a good camp is a must for them.
  3. I can agree with that, but the positive we have is I don't think Byrd is going anywhere for a while. I have no doubt that he will make to our practice squad safely. I don't think we will end up with a Gaffney situation, Byrd will be on our team for the foreseeable future, and whether he gets reps on the practice squad or rides the bench during game week won't make any difference. I actually am not high on Cotch, or really bersin, but having one of those guys on the roster is good, so why not go with the Young guy. As long as Bersin doesn't return a punt for the rest of his life, I'm good.
  4. Eh, it depends. I've been as vocal against Cotch as anyone, his veteran presence is completely overblown IMO. That said, he is owed money, he knows the offense decently, and on top of all of this, I legitimately think we can stash Byrd on the practice squad safely this season. If I had any fear at all of Byrd not safely making it to the practice squad, I wouldn't even suggest it. All of this is for naught though if Byrd shows out in the preseason and gives us no way to not include him on the roster.
  5. Wiggle pants!...wait, I thought we were just saying the first words that came to our mind
  6. I wouldn't say above average, but I would say this is an average unit, and because of the talent at other positions, that's all we really need. Last year though was not Average, not even below average, we might have had a historically bad O-line at points last year with only player who was drafted (Kalil).
  7. Yup. Like you said though, the second flag has been adopted by bigots and history has lost the true historical significance behind it, and now it has a new meaning. Honestly, it shouldn't be flown at a government building judging by the implications of the flag. I'll fight to defend someone's right to own and fly it themselves, but the government has no business flying a flag higher than their own (which they did and do when the American flag is brought to Half Staff). That said, the first flag is literally the state flag of Georgia, but no one is saying a damn thing about it because 90% of people don't really know their history.
  8. You're right, but the statement I responded to did assume that it was him and he was in the right. Point being if that is him, and he's denied it, theres a double whammy there. He might as well say goodbye to ever stepping foot on a football field again.
  9. Except guys who aren't in the wrong don't claim it's not them in the video. Dude is fried. Best part is that the Saints just dropped a fat extension to him last year. Enjoy that taint fugs.
  10. I guess that you could say...he's no...saint!
  11. Good for Bersin. I really don't care who makes the roster as long as everyone has earned their spot. People may not like Bersin, but Cam does and he's the most important factor here. Gotta have a receiver with good chemistry with the QB.
  12. Fantastic Write up, one of the best I've seen on here. I too have wondered about Shaq's number situation though, but I've just assumed that he would still be able to be used in the role mentioned. I mean, there's no way we drafted him in the first and didn't expect him to play in that role. But the biggest wildcard is what was mentioned with Funchess. Originally, I was wondering why we were going after another huge target and missing speed (although, he has more speed than what was shown at the combine), but once you realize his ability to slide inside like he did at Michigan and go all over the field is absolutely devastating to defenses. The goal is to get the matchup like PhillyB said, get Captain Munnerlynn on Funchess. It's a mismatch that a good QB will take advantage of all day long.
  13. I'll say this, as long as coaching decisions are made based on the most talented players on the team and not seniority, draft position, or flat out favortism, then I really don't care. Just keep the 53 best players and I'll be happy, and if because of that, we end up with Bersin, Harper, Silatolu, or even cotchery, I'm completely ok.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/kXJWN7N.png not that this is a bad thread, I just see this often, particularly when panthersunited starts a threas.
  15. ​Nope. Now we can wait for people to claim Kuechly is going to San Fran...
  16. God! Leave Johnny alone, he just wants to fail miserably, drink heavily, and be in the limelight constantly in peace!!!
  17. ​Not really, he lost a ton of playmakers on offense and was forced to single handedly keep them in the games a lot of times last year (how many times did they come from behind to win). Again, I'm not worried about him making a throw, I'm worried about him doing something completely idiotic and getting suspended for 12 games.
  18. ​I was gonna say the same thing. His football IQ and ability to make every throw is incredible. Like I said before, it'd be like having Greg Hardy as a QB, when he's on the field, he has the ability to be a true gamechanger, but it's what he does off the field that will ruin him.
  19. It's still no doubt about who we should have taken, and we got the right choice. I do believe that JJ is overhyped, but he is also not bad and the best DE in the game IMO. I think of it this way, if you had to compare a position on defense to the QB poisition, it would not be the DE, it would be the MLB, and frankly we have the best MLB in the game. The DE is more comparable to the Running back, a really good one can carry you a long way, but still without the solid MLB, the stats won't be on his side for a team effort. Think about what Adrian Peterson did a few years ago, he literally was the pinnacle of how far a RB could carry a team, and it was the first round of the playoffs, conversly, a QB can single handedly bring you to a superbowl. While Watt was the best DE in the game last year, the Texans still finished 16th in yards per game, and 11th in points per game. Now think back to the panthers in the few years when Beason kept getting injured and we had random players playing MLB, then compare it to Luke playing, we went from a mediocre at best defense to one of the best in the NFL, and should he get injured we would be in a bad situation. TL/DR:We got it right, give me Cam over any DE any day and twice on Tuesdays.
  20. "was"...wait no, you had it right.
  21. I got excited, then you and I became enemies...
  22. Santana Moss is still in the NFL?
  23. Hard to choose 1. I loved getting to actually be in stadium for 2 wins last year (Including the Zona playoff game) after living in Louisiana my whole life, but the one that always just sticks out (aside from the obvious ones, Xclown, Cowboys, ect) is week 1 2008 when we scored with no time left to beat the Chargers. For those who don't remember, Jake was coming off the infamous Tommy Jone surgery (his first game back), and Smitty was suspended due to breaking a defensive backs face. So with the question marks we had going into the game, a win wasn't some sort of sure thing, but this jump started one of the best seasons in franchise history (unfortunately punctuated by one of the biggest dissapointments in franchise history.) http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-cant-miss-plays/09000d5d80a9b15b/WK-1-Can-t-Miss-Play-Delhomme-s-game-winner
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