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Carolina Cajun

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Everything posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. I think if you're going with as small a sample size as Randy Fasani and Brian St. Pierre, you HAVE to include Will Grier. those were the 2 ugliest games I've ever seen from a QB.
  2. I dont care honestly, I'm to dissolutioned from watching us fail for a decade sadly....
  3. but we can do that without giving up another pick to do so, IE, if he plays enough this season his pick is bumped up by a round.
  4. I doubt it, Wilks seems like a guy who gains players trust by believing in them when they're down.
  5. please god put in darnold (words I never thought I'd say). Hes just as bad/good as mayfield but he wont cost us more draft picks.
  6. Seeing our defense get quick outs and our offense doing dick with it...
  7. was just thinking, didnt run him or anything, just a defender trying to make a play.
  8. Yall are missing the real mvp, Eddie Pineiro nailed all 3 of his super pressure filled extra points
  9. if we let baker play, we have to compensate with a better draft pick and our season is toast anyway, who cares whos behind center.
  10. first half nfc divisional game vs arizona, 2009. atleast we know we suck right now...
  11. just rewatching brought back my burning hatred for our shitty kicker...had a highlight game pissed away by some anti-clutch fug.
  12. COMPLETELY disagree. its easy for everyone to forget how many times cam drove the team into field goal range for a game winner and whoever was the kicker crapped their jockeys. I also remember a bunch of times they scored with like 45 seconds left to take the lead only for the defense to go soft and let the other team finish with a game winner.
  13. I also think the first half gameplan was dumb as hell, after they saw he was going high, they needed to get him a few confidence throws, easy curls, short slant, screens, anything, but ALL the plays were for passes 25 yards down the field.
  14. this is stupid as hell, he sucks and should be cut, but blaming it on taking selfies is akin to blaming us losing games because cam wore silly outfits to press conferences.
  15. he was going to get on the plane, but he missed.
  16. He is proving that he is a 3 down back in this league and a bruiser that gets better as the game goes on. Now, I dont think Fitt needs to pull a Hurney and throw billions at him, but we need to keep him around because with his style and our line, its a huge benefit for whatever qb we bring in next season. I absolutely could see us getting a young QB in the draft, pair him with this line and run game and let him develop like Dak Prescott did while Elliot and that O-line won games, but the key is to keep him around for that opportunity.
  17. you serious? Good god, no way would they have traded to improve this team not with our record and where we are, we could have won 245 to negative 3 and we still wouldnt have made a trade.
  18. I want to see how the season plays out, but the returns are good so far. They have really rallied around him, but we only have a 3 week sample size, will these guys keep fighting even though we're back to the basement of the south? Are they gonna continue to fight in December if we're eliminated? A lot to prove, if he does it, I dont see a reason not to, but as of right now the jury is still out.
  19. I can't fault him for that, every coach in the nfl would have done the same, it was a game winning chip shot. The falcons did the same thing and they were further than we were. Pinero is just worthless.
  20. how many of those were game winning? AGAIN in case you fail to understand basic arguments, MOST of the field goals hes made were done in our (wait for it) NOW 6 losses, its easy for even college level kickers to make kicks when there isnt poo on the line, but today, division on the line and given TWO shots, he fuging crapped his jockeys. fuger is worthless, he is anti-clutch, he's joey slye without the leg, he should be unemployed. the end.
  21. I just hope Tepper walks into the locker room and literally tells Pinero to GTFO.
  22. we've won 2 games...so not a lot of pressure to make game winning kicks until today when he had 2 shots and failed twice.
  23. I actually am ok with it, I hope to god that worthless fug comes on here and sees 50 threads about how he's a complete waste of a fuging roster spot. If theres a god, he'll be working drive through at wendys soon and even then Im sure that POS would fug up orders.
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