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Carolina Cajun

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Everything posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. I think that group can and will win. I don't like Cotchery, but I would keep him over Byrd at this point because with KB gone, his presence is necessary for Funchess's sake. The other reason is I feel we'll be able to move Byrd to the PS, I'm not sure anymore about Ward, and I'd almost guarantee that Wegher doesn't make it to our PS without getting gobbled up given his preseason performance and spotlight on the show undrafted. We have no way to hide him, Wegher HAS to be on our 53 if we want to keep him.
  2. Just saying, could be a number we could throw towards a receiver. I wouldn't put this past G-man, he did cut the face of our franchise in Smitty. I'm just saying the only thing bigger than Gettleman's nipple shorts are his balls.
  3. I have given up understanding how the NFL cap really works, but could there be a cap savings with cutting Tolbert? The reason I ask is that G-man could possibly force the situation if there is a real savings in the deal for the panthers if the talent difference is negligible.
  4. Jesus Christ dude, stop while you're ahead. The difference between the offense playing badly this preseason and defense is the defense has a track record of being a dominating and good unit and we're missing 3/4 of our D-line. Sean Mcdermmott has the skins on the wall, Shula on the other hand just has the wall.
  5. No, let's fire him based on 2 preseason games and 2 years of absolute offensive futility. Fact of the matter is you have a franchise QB, it can't ALWAYS be a personnel issue, at some point, the guy calling the plays has to bear some of the responsibility for the failure.
  6. We need a FB on our roster and thats what Tolbert does, even if he's more of a hybrid. I like you love Tolbert, but I'm ok with cutting him. IMO, cut Tolbert and Brockel and in their spot, keep Lee Ward and that combo of RB's you mentioned.
  7. I think Boykin has earned some first team reps. It's possible he's a gamer and just sucks ass in practice...the reverse armanti if you will.
  8. Todman needs first string reps, his explosiveness could add a dimension to our offense that we've never had.
  9. This has always been a problem under shula. The problem can't always be personnel, at some point coaching has to be held accountable for constantly failing.
  10. Don't worry, we'll come back and win because our 4th stringers are better than their 4th stringers, it won't take away the diarrhea sloppy joe our offense just plopped for everyone to see.
  11. That 4th down call should have been called about 2 plays earlier to open up the run better...I seriously hate shula. My nutsack would be a better offensive coordinator.
  12. HAHAAHAH, our best defense is an incredibly lucky break.
  13. Scary part is that Buffalo clearly looked like the better team last week against our first stringers. We need to get our poo together or losing KB won't be the most painful thing that happens this year.
  14. Here's the life of the panther Defense so far. First Down: fug yea, Great Play Second Down: Not bat, still good play Third Down: Why do I fuging invest so much time into something that makes me want to punch a baby.
  15. Nice to see the refs already in mid-season fug us mode.
  16. I think the Offense will improve, but man if our punt coverage doesn't improve, I'm gonna absolutely lose my fuging mind. What the hell did we spend all that money on "special teams aces" if we still look like a unit a middle school would be embarrassed to field.
  17. I like what I've seen on the defense in these few plays. Even the conversion, White had great position and technique, just great play on offense. Already looks much better than last week.
  18. Biggest problem is between losing him and Stephen Hill, we've lost a lot of size in our receiving corps, and that was a part of our game planning. Our new game plan probably goes into based on speed because that's what we have the most of on the team right now with Corey Brown and Ted Ginn. I'd feel more confident if we didn't have Shula running this thing because he seems completely incapable of changing our gameplan to fit our personnel, but if we are going to have a successful season it has to happen. I'm really afraid, bigger than losing KB will be our unfortunate decision to hold onto Shula last offseason because of just that.
  19. I know people are bummed with a lot in the game, but first half with no injuries, I'll take that all day every day. Defense and run game are known commodities, they will improve, pass protection for first team was adequate. I've got work at 4 in the AM, seen all I really need to tonight, I anticipate reading up on how ward and Byrd play in the second half.
  20. All I've read is how cam does a great job giving autographs and seeing fans. I've also heard he spends far more time with the kids than he does with the adults, so he's probably done giving autographs after he signs stuff for the kids. Cam and Jake were both great in this respect, I mean, it's hardly like we have someone like Jay Cutler running our offense, and we've been lucky to have a fair amount of actually good guys QB the team.
  21. That's exactly my line of thought right now, and I think it depends on whether or not they think it's possible for them to move him to the practice squad without a team snagging him, and that will depend largely on how he plays in the preseason games (when other teams really get a chance to see him). I think the 6 right now are KB, Funch, Brown, Ginn, Cotch (unfortunately), and Bersin, and the 7th spot would be the "theres no way Byrd would make it through waivers" spot.
  22. Kid is doing well in practice, but I want to see it in a game. The preseason will go a long way to determine whether he is gonna be put on the 53 man roster or left on the practice squad. I think the goal is for him to be on the practice squad because regardless he wont be used much this season, but if he looks great in the preseason games, then he likely won't make it to our practice squad without being picked up. Only 9 more days till our first preseason game...god it can't get here fast enough.
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