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Carolina Cajun

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Everything posted by Carolina Cajun

  1. I'm gonna call a big game by XL. Seemed bummed about his drops, think he takes his next growth step and has a big day, like 100 yards maybe 2 tds.
  2. was thinking the same thing, JT is far from finished developing, he needs more development. If it were year 3 maybe, if it were a vet, sure, but a rookie in first season, nah he needs more reps cuzz dang this class could be special.
  3. still been saying, Canales isnt perfect, but he's been good. His worst games have been what we'd consider average Reich or Rhule. He had to learn to lean more on his run game, and he has. Helps that Hunt and Lewis have been dominant and Hubbard has propelled to the next level.
  4. probably, but so is much of our defensive roster. More than we have in recent seasons, Morgan has been churning the bottom of the roster and I love it. Who cares if the guy who comes in is trash, might as well bring em in, see if anyone can stick and show more than a jag. In a sea of players theres 99 jags for every 1 luvu, might as well check.
  5. OL held up for the most part, although a few times Brady got bullied and of course the false starts, that said though, there was generally time, and I think thats what is really allowing bryce to grow. He is FINALLY starting to trust that his line will actually not let him get destroyed and as such, he's playing with more confidence. Also, I think his aggression is directly attributable to Dalton. All in all, FINALLY he looks like a game manager, thats all I wanted to see, but he has thrown in some dots that have have him looking like he can be even more than that. I keep saying, remember, guys like Dak, Brady, and brees were all game managers to start, then they shed that label as the game slows down and they can use their mind to take over a game.
  6. WTF is wrong with the Was/Dal game? do they both hate winning? WHY TAKE IT TO THE HOUSE! now Was has a chance again....
  7. That missed kick still hurts my heart. That was an incredible hail mary, one of very few we've had in our history and it just blopped. Also would have had us tie for the division which I dont know if we would have had the breaker with the bucs anyway, but its nice to imagine.
  8. My initial thought is he was on the sideline, realized he stepped out, and once he did that, he's no longer an eligible receiver, and I think its kind of a heads up play because if the ball is thrown to him, its a penalty. That was just my opinion on it though.
  9. People just remember the game with the raiders and have forgotten that Dalton wasnt exactly lighting it up his last few starts, and in fairness he was doing it with Johnson and Thielen for a game. Bryce has looked fine the last 2 weeks, no reason to bench him. Just play him and see where this goes. We're still no more committed to him today than we were yesterday. He can change that, but who knows. Best case scenario is that at bare minimum he shows enough to be a game manager and grows enough with Legette, Coker, Sanders, and Brooks, then we focus on talent at other positions to improve our team. If he never outgrows the game manager role, then its easy enough to just move on from him and atleast have a team built out enough that a QB can plug and play. If he just sucks ass down the stretch and shows no development, then whatever, draft a QB and move on.
  10. Coker is definitely a guy we need here. He is already an NFL level route runner and has NFL caliber hands. XL is more raw but possesses size and speed that cant be taught and as such, its why his upside is still higher than Coker, but Coker absolutely is looking like a great starting WR in this league hopefully for a long time.
  11. he's fine. I havent seen anything eye opening or life changing about his coaching style, also havent seen anything abysmal (From a young coach perspective). He needs to use his O-line and running game more, I think he gets in his "we gotta pass to open the run" mindset at times and just completely ignores just running the ball, and that sucks, but in fairness those are the kind of things I expect from a young head coach and OC (reminder, he only had 1 season calling the shots prior to this). I also rather have been ok with the moves Morgan has made this past offseason, but there is and was just SO much that is wrong with the organization that theres no possible chance a single offseason can fix it. We'll know more about both of their growth in the league by around this time next season.
  12. In fairness, through limited reps, Coker might arguably look better than even Legette. Legette has a much higher upside with development, but Coker already possesses NFL level route running and his hands are pretty fuging impressive.
  13. coker is an elite player for us, great hands, he will be the biggest steal of this past draft
  14. jesus fuging christ, cant even fuging run a play.
  15. exactly, he would have been close, I think with the extra push we get it. I just dont fuging get it.
  16. why not fuging run the goddamn ball? We have 140 million spent on our guards to improve our run game and need 2 yards so we just run this hippy dippy hucklefug screen pass? JUST. RUN. THE. BALL!!
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