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Everything posted by Eric4280

  1. I think we need to get Reich/ Brown/ Young on the same page and build rapport. Puka probably doesn’t produce here. Goes to one of the best vet qb in the league and offensive genius. Circumstances would’ve been very different.
  2. Free safety move please! A lot less cutting and a bit more physical contact (which I think he’d handle a bit better). Between this and the foot, he got destroyed on random open field nothings on a cut.
  3. We need to cut the excuses and just listen to the players wants on this. I don’t even remotely understand why owners/ the league gear to some project that the players don’t want.
  4. May be dumb, maybe a shot in the dark. I’d be willing to try him at FS. He’s gotta cut a whole lot less. (Take on more physical punishment but everything he gets hurt on seems like it’s from twitch things). Idk.
  5. I wish we kept on with the gadget stuff for Laviska.
  6. I wish we kept on with the gadget stuff for Laviska.
  7. Yeah he’s very good, loved having him, loved the potential. Media was hyping this up like Burrow and Chase, and they’re both just not “amazing” players. Moore is very plus in a lot of things, Fields is a firecracker but when that thing explodes… it’s useless.
  8. Fields lol. He’ll always be what he is. “Ooooo we’ve Dj moore now were so dangerous” shouldve been talking about Gb the whole time.
  9. I thought ickey played really well no?
  10. Is it weird that I like any “older” voice, I don’t really love the newer guys like Romo/ Olsen, even though there’s technically nothing wrong with them.
  11. 2024 and 2025. They’re probably one of the worst teams in the league, with Burns. Not gonna take a side and say which I want between the two but those picks are probably top 4-6 picks. Mcvay, old Stafford, going through things Kupp, barely wanting to play anymore Donald is not enough to overcome how barren and bad that team is. Bottom five OL, bottom five defense, terrible weapons.
  12. Nothing like stupid, selfish, mysterious, and annoying vibes 5 days leading into the season. Awesome stuff.
  13. Between Burns, Houston, YGM, Dj, and Barno, idk if thin is the word I’d use. Not ideal , no, but definitely not mighty thin.
  14. We need ONE of Chark, Terrace, or Laviska. No two ways about it.
  15. Yep, he can’t be perfect this early in his career. Getting beat a few times in preseason doesn’t make me question his existence at LT.
  16. Carolina Huddle: home of the negative Nancy Nostradomus.
  17. Mind boggling that this is the position that we’re choosing to not address.
  18. Especially when ex pro running backs come out and say “relax it’s just preseason “ you can be concerned but over reactionary and dismissive of the team.
  19. Man this doom and gloom over preseason struggles is crazy. Guys. Go outside, take a walk, have a pint. Why do we need 35 angles put into threads.
  20. Yeah, have zero expectations, that’s the goal.
  21. Saints super aging roster has what for a couple of years? Why are we giving ourselves no shot 2 preseason games in. Sigh, lol.
  22. Why is everyone like this lol. If we’d came out gangbusters would you REALLY think we’d be Super Bowl bound (and never saying never). Obviously there are things to work on but I’m pretty sure this professional staff isn’t grasping it’s pearls over two preseason games.
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