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Everything posted by Eric4280

  1. Absolutely this. Myles would be an adequate replacement. As would Carter with a nice DT dynamic duo.
  2. I just don’t see this team being able to spend (nor should they) on Barkley, Jacobs, or Hunt. The rest of the names on the list are JAGS. We need to start hoping for Bijan or even Gibbs.
  3. I don’t why we’re talking center so much lmao. Elf has been technically fine and Boze is probably damned good if given the chance. This draft needs to be one of impact and identity now. We need a Qb, Rb, and maybe even Wr. Faces of the team. That should be the focus. Bring people back into seats. Take the qb, hope Bijan falls somehow , that kinda stuff. We don’t need a center, for this team.
  4. This is what we need to hear. 49er demise. I don’t wanna be THAT guy, but this franchise needs it.
  5. Why do we never win trades? I don’t get it. Since I’ve been a panthers fan, It seems like we always get the raw end. Trading up for Everett, trading up for Otah, trading 2nd for Darnold, trading this , trading that. When we trade things of actual value, like the a top 5 offensive weapon in football, late second, late third, late fourth. Why? Why can’t we have a bigger pair of balls and either fleece someone or just do the logical thing and use him like you did on that first drive against the Rams. Get a real, big, back that you trust and have him run between the tackles. No. Instead of fleece ourselves and end up with stupidly late picks that won’t become difference makers. Just when you think the organization can’t get worse.
  6. Let’s hope this injury prone crap pops up again. Don’t wanna see em hurt but moving a player of his caliber for this dogshit late everything package isn’t it. Idc if he’s a RB. He’s your franchise face and Marquise brown got damn near a better haul.
  7. Would the board be mad with Anderson and Hooker if they’re chosen 1st and 32nd?
  8. Really, really don’t wanna part with Brown yet.
  9. It’s mind boggling that we look this different after ONE week. Hate over using CMC, but we’re seeing him used the RIGHT way. Idc about the outcome because it’s gonna be a learning curve, but that offensive drive felt better than what I’ve seen in a while.
  10. Rotoworld has Horn attached to CMCs trade status. Amazing. I guess we’ll just sell the entire team?
  11. Agreed, he pretty much cost GB that last game.
  12. Cmc for ALOT of Buffalos 2023 draft would be worth it to me (maybe Bijan slips for some reason). Trading Moore in any capacity makes zero sense to me. Dudes 25, under affordable team control for the next 3 years, and hasn’t seen his best days yet.
  13. Why are we even waiting this long? Why do we have terrible loss after terrible loss to wake up to crickets. The team has the least juice of any team in the NFL. It’s hopeless. It’s too talented to be this bad. That all falls on head coach. And yet, here we are, stuck with the baked potato.
  16. So you’re telling me this Saints team would rather have a WR over LOOKING like potentially picking a qb of the future? Even getting the chance to take that, is gone. For a wide receiver. And I noted that he’s really good. Not saying he’s a bad player. The way this saints team is built, it’s running out of time. Being in cap hell, you’d think they wanna hold onto their top ten pick. You’ve Olave and qb purgatory and cap hell. THATS the point I’m making. Stop arguing and being negative on every point anyone ever makes. I’m not saying Darnold is great. Obviously it’s a trade I regret and do not like. Medias been POUNDING us for that trade. Yet when the saints make a poor trade, mouths are reaaaaaal quiet.
  17. We got crapped on in every media outlet for the Darnold trade. Saints used 2 firsts on Olave (who is a baller but no wr is worth 2 firsts). Especially now that this pick is looking kinda top ten ish.. Let’s go talking head national media, starts slandering the Saints draft moves.
  18. Neals been abused all game, think we made the right call.
  19. Does it seem like every other team has a new, fun, exciting HC or a stable motivator. How did we get stuck with this bag of potatoes?
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