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Everything posted by Eric4280

  1. I’m honestly shocked that people know who DJ moore is. This is so damn true, as soon as he’s traded “omg bears have their all time best wr ever and he’s only 25!!’xbcnxnx”
  2. Thank you! That’s all I’m saying. I genuinely appreciate the understanding that this bama team wasn’t as good as seemingly the last decades team.
  3. Now THIS is my kinda thread, lmao.
  4. There ya go big dog. Gave you a nice beer reaction. Will that let you sleep better tonight?
  5. Oh good lord here we go again lol. Bro I’m not arguing that Bama hasn’t been the bees knees for the last decade. THIS bama team in 2022 wasn’t equivalent TALENT wise to previous years. He made more with less.
  6. McShay says there is a little buzz for Richardson. It’d actually be hilarious if we’re all bickering at each other and we end up taking the raw project lmao.
  7. Why do you keep calling these Bama team stacked? I don’t get it. TRADITIONALLY, lately, obviously they’ve been great. They’re Bama. But if you actually look at what was around him… it wasn’t all that stacked. Gibbs is obviously good but let’s not pretend that Henderson won’t be a first round pick himself next year. Mediocre programs? The SEC is mediocre programs? Should we have just put bama in the NFC south or is that still too mediocre? I get it, the size blah blah. He’s taken hits in his career! “Oh they’re not from nfl players!” Great! And is he gonna just be neglected by NFL level trainers and coaches on how to bulk up and protect his body?
  8. No lmao, I love college ball without a favorite tbh. Yeah that’s a great program for sure. No doubting it. But I see what Garrett Wilson did with Jets QB play and Olave with Saints qb play. And I just wonder who makes what, ya know? Obviously over ALL of this. I trust the helm whatever they do, I’ll support. As badly as I want Young.
  9. You’re going to honestly say that the talent level in OSU and Bama on the offensive side of the ball was similar, bud?
  10. Normally , yes I’d agree, but in my opinion, OSU was much more NFL loaded across the board. But I respect the opinion on the view of it, nothing personal either.
  11. Strouds line was better. This isn’t a question. But y’all are right. Let me not be skeptical of Stroud at all because y’all like em.
  12. When did I say - “the SEC is the nfl” he absolutely saw stiffer competition than Stroud did, with less weaponry, and didn’t need to retire after a hit. If you’re gonna be skeptical of Young because of size, fine, but allow me to be skeptical of Stroud because I think his tape looked mighty… mid tier qb. Not a bad qb by any measure.
  13. This past Bama offense was led by this RB in yards. This is one of the worse skill position crops bama had put out. Harrison probably goes top five next year and Egbuka is a first rounder. Burton will more than likely not be.
  14. He’s “my favorite guy” because he’s the best guy. His game has elite traits. Fine Stroud is very accurate, I’m not knocking that. He doesn’t do anything out of structure and will be asked to in the nfl. So YOURE gonna cherry pick the fact that he’s light and just assume that he can’t bulk up, can’t maneuver at his size? I get it, the SEC isn’t the nfl. But it’s damn sure a lot closer to the nfl than the big10 is. He’s played at this size and once again, he’s aware of his size limitations and his play STYLE reflects that. To the user that brought up surrounding talent- stop. Please don’t compare a year of Metchie and J. will to the FIVE first round picks that Stroud has worked with. God forbid I take caution that Bryce is much more experienced in working with less. But no let me just automatically love Stroud because he’s 6’3 and throws a great slant route to first round wr. No delusion here. I go with what I watch. What I watch - prefers Young.
  15. Also , my apologies for the ignorance of McCord. I was admittedly unfamiliar with his game.
  16. I get it. You’re gonna bring up numbers and defend your guy. That’s fine. But you can’t leave things out like who’s he’s played WITH and what he’s played AGAINST. We can cherry pick Georgia in the final but I’m looking at the eye test on every player (not a bama fan by any measure) and I’d rather take the player that offers more with less.
  17. I don’t doubt he’ll tear it up. That system breeds success. Bama usually does too, though. And being 5’10 doesn’t bother me. He’s always been 5’10 and been as magical as he is. In the SEC.
  18. I respect the open mindedness towards that sentiment and I totally see why someone would like Stroud as a safer option. I just see Bryce as the face the the league kinda player.
  19. No comps for trades, unfortunately.
  20. I’m personally still viewing him that way. There’s a good post on Reddit looking into Bryce size and overblown injury concerns. YES it’s absolutely possible he’s more prone to certain things. But if you watch him, as small as he is, he’s very compact and organized with his body. He knows what he can take physically and doesn’t push it. I just see him as a franchise saver. I’m the highest Bryce guy you’ll meet.
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