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Everything posted by Eric4280

  1. In the early stages it was me and Ivory Panther calling for Young, against like 80 percent of this site. Constantly got crap from Stroud dudes. Then it seems like there are nuts from both parties making their way out of the woodwork.
  2. Yeah but having 105 wr2 will suffice until we figure that out.
  3. “I’ll root for Bryce if we draft him” ”slow your role in saying he can make the pro bowl in a very weak nfc” I’m a Young guy to the max and will easily admit (gladly) that Stroud makes the pro bowl here, if drafted by us. The situation is perfect.
  4. It’s incredibly lazy. Like I’ve said countless times. Does the NCAA have a bunch of skinny dudes playing dt and de? The argument is shear size. Not skill, not technique. He’s already “had to face 320 DT”. He hasn’t died yet.
  5. Nah probably not, seeing as college olinemen are on average only 5’2 tall.
  6. Oh good lord this lazy crap again. Give it a break bro. Is Stroud immune to injury? Is his frame super elite? Does he have great pocket movement? Does college football just play with kittens and cupcakes? “But but the nfl is bigger and stronger” and Bryce will be too.
  7. So every single analyst speaking praises about him “don’t understand football either” because you don’t like his size? The NFL actually protects QB (rules wise) more than college does. Do you also have a frame measurement tool to make this claim as well? It’ll be mind boggling to see the responses when Bryce does bulk up naturally and the dumb excuses start flying out. I’m personally not trading up to one to take someone with the same field command as those qb that top off as first round exits.
  8. I wonder why we haven’t seen Ar15 mocked to HOU much. Makes me wanna throw a few sheckles on it.
  9. Jessie Bates is actually overrated, heavily. Idk if I’ve said that I’ve watched Bengals games along side Panthers games and he genuinely doesn’t make the impact that you’d think he would with his name. Oddly enough, Vonn was exponentially better.
  10. Oh I didn’t know you were the one feeding him? Guys- it’s Bryce Youngs nutritionist. Welcome him to the board. So in the SEC did he die when those players hit him? Or do they magically get 2x bigger like Mario eating a mushroom once they get drafted? Good thing he never went against big guys like Jordan Davis, Jalen Carter, Devonte Wyatt because he most certainly would be snapped in half already. THIS is what is annoying about the Young haters. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Comes out and measures heavier “that’s water weight” but if he stayed 185 “omg he’s too small”
  11. Based on everything I’ve watched. (The only thing that should matter to everyone). Regardless of most circumstances, Young balled. He has so much “magic” to his game. Does he beat the potentially best UGA and CFL defense all time in the championship if Jameson doesn’t tear his acl early in the second quarter? He makes a lot of something out of nothing and I just don’t think we’ve seen his ceiling yet.
  12. This is how the Stroud crowd works. Slight Young however they feel fit but use the weak cop out of “but I’ll accept him if he’s our qb”. You don’t like him because he’s small and volatile. I won’t try to convince you to be comfortable with that. It’s valid. That’s fine. But I will keep the same sentiment that I think Stroud is destined for mid and won’t try to convince you otherwise.
  13. “I’m not trying to trash on him but I’m going to trash on him”.
  14. The “I don’t want Young but totally support him if he were our QB” group is strong in this one… for the 47391st time. We. Get. It. How many times and ways are we going to repeat the same cheesy crap over and over again. You’ll never accept Young because of size. That’s fine. Awesome. But we’re sitting here trying to knitpick things that don’t exist? Trying to make anyone afraid of 36 year old Calais Campbell? Man yeah can’t wait for his blazing speed to destroy our tackles and blindside Young and spear him into oblivion.. Let me ask the Stroud crowd HONESTLY. Had he scored highly on this test, would it be disregarded or put on a pedestal? And I’m a Young guy and that test means nothing to me, the tape he put up does.
  15. Much better than hoping to be the Vikings minus Jefferson.
  16. No I know lol. I hate the “when he gets to the nfl he’s done because he’s small and never played against competition this size” crap.
  17. Ah yes this lazy argument. College football is full of preteens and cupcakes.
  18. This class is extremely deep and the position isn’t the MOST dire, if I had to guess, probably 5 ish?
  19. He is and we absolutely can/ maybe will. Love pairing college teammates together.
  20. This is literally the opposite? There are talks of taking Anderson or trading down if Bryce is gone.
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