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Everything posted by PleaseCutStewart

  1. Amen - That's what I'm saying. We knew what we were getting out of Freddie - a goalie that fell down in net every three shots that has no lateral quickness in net... Definitely somebody I don't want in net as a starter in the playoffs
  2. Sadly, that should be all the reason we need to not bring Rod back... His assistants are ass
  3. Not sure he will after losing this series... I hope I'm wrong because he was amazing for us before we started f****** with lines and separated him, Aho, and Jarvis
  4. Yeah... I don't know how you think after game 3 that Freddie is the goalie to go to the rest of the way... I might be in the minority, but I would have strongly considered benching him after that terrible second goal the rags scored. Once you see that goal go in, the skaters realize that they pretty much have to hold the other team to no shots the rest of the way to win
  5. It would be interesting if he went to Toronto. Literally no one on that roster fits his system
  6. Sucks is an understatement. I honestly don't think we would have allowed much more goals had we just played empty net the entire game
  7. I doubt guentzel comes back, no matter who our coach is.
  8. The problem is Rod's system has proven not to work in the playoffs and he has proven that he is overly loyal to veterans and won't make adjustments to his system... He's the type of coach that will succeed in the regular season (like he has), but likely won't in the playoffs unless his players Play above their level. Agreed that there aren't many options that I know of available, but I'd rather do the change now than wait another 2 years to realize the same thing
  9. It's much easier to be a Panthers fan. Just watch the first four games, realize we are the worst team in the NFL, and then pack it in till draft time...
  10. Honestly, raanta was pretty good his last playoffs where he started. The problem is he has the stamina of an 80-year-old man and just got burned out from having to play multiple games in a row
  11. Sadly, we don't even need a stud. An above average goalie could do the job. Instead we throw out bums like Freddie, raanta, mrazek, etc... Sadly, the best goalie play we got was game 3 from Pyotr
  12. Also, somebody tell Freddie to close his 5 hole for me. How he gets beat on a wrap around 5 hole is beyond me...
  13. Amen... Maybe watching us lose another series because our goalies suck will finally lead us to actually going after a goalie that doesn't suck...
  14. Yeah, he's a regular season warrior. Love his system, but never makes adjustments. We have all a talent in the world to win a cup and he continues to squander it... Unfortunately if we fire him, I'm not sure there is another good option for us to hire
  15. If there is any silver lining, we sure as hell aren't beating Florida or Dallas/ Edmonton with Freddie in net
  16. We really didn't. We hit like two posts that could have put us up 5 to one. Then Freddie lets in an awful second goal, rags score on a PP, and then Freddie lets in another awful goal. But yes, the last 10 minutes of our game we're not our best
  17. It's going to be an unpopular opinion, but Rod has to go. His choices on players to sit and going with Freddie despite him not looking good one game in the series is a fireable enough offense for me
  18. Sucks we hit so many posts, but we weren't winning poo with Freddie in net
  19. Somebody at least break Igor's hand before we lose
  20. Honestly, kooch probably stops 3 of their 4 goals
  21. If Freddie is back next year, we all need to boycott and not watch/go to a single game
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