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Everything posted by PleaseCutStewart

  1. XL does a good job of attacking the ball with his hands on throws. Definitely not passive and trying to body catch
  2. They are a solid combo. Hard to judge them at their worst when we have zilcho pass rush
  3. Ummm... Yeah. In fact, we are flirting with the worst defense ever in the NFL
  4. We did it!! We held them to a FG! Sadly the only cheer we will have on defense
  5. We are being smart and using them all up this year. We will be injury free the next 3 years! /s
  6. Well, the good news is we are pretty much at just having JAGS left on defense... So the good news is we can pick up random bums to replace them and shouldn't see much drop off
  7. Not sure horn will, which is why I said we should give him a 5 year deal while his stock is at an all time low before the year started Dionte - maybe a 3rd rounder if we are lucky
  8. I will never understand why a corner iso'd on a WR would never take away the inside in to-goal plays. Way harder to throw a good fade than an easy slant
  9. Honestly, they deserve to lose money going to watch this team...
  10. How do you hold on a punt and still give up a blocked punt...
  11. Gotta imagine that's a screwed up blocking assignment...
  12. Bryce looks like he is playing fortnite on the iPad...
  13. Personally, I would look more to how he improves year 2 vs this year. I think he has been fine so far, considering our defense is ass and we have a crap ton of injuries
  14. Yeah, they weren't great. This is where not having thielen hurts us
  15. Watching a fumble on the ground and nobody on our D wanting to get it tells me all I need to know. I'd bench every one of those bums, even if it means we can only play 5 guys on D the rest of the game
  16. More like fumble it and give the other team a TD if it were Bryce
  17. No, you will see that in a 3-4 when you have a poo NT and crappy ends on the 3-4. Now, I won't argue our D is 100% not built for a 3-4
  18. Ummm... Are you blind? Or maybe I'm the only one seeing our Dline get pushed backwards 5 yards every play and the parting of the red sea happening on just about every falcons run
  19. Just the usual.... Need 35+ points to have a chance of winning
  20. I think I will be more surprised if we don't break the record... If we trot Bryce out there again at any point this season, I'll be even more confident we have the worst defense of all time
  21. Well, unfortunately when Bryce allows the opposing team's offense to probably on average start at our 40 yard line, you are going to have a hard time keeping teams from scoring. Not sure if he is great or not, but people acting like some other DC coming into this poo show of a defense and magically making it anything better are delusional. And sure, we can blitz 6 or 7... All that means is that we will have 6/7 guys still not reach the QB because literally nobody can rush the passer while having no help back on defense because we are blitzing. In short, there is nothing that can be done scheme-wise to make this defense good
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