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About BlazeCarolina

  • Birthday 12/06/1985

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  1. Steve just keeps losing points with me over the years unfortunately. I know it is probably an unpopular opinion around here, but I don't mind taking heat for my opinions.
  2. People have told me that I sound overly Southern anytime I talk to my grandmother. I never noticed it until they said something. I feel like it is kinda like that. I could definitely "turn that up" once I was aware of it, and I feel that is all he is doing, he is just profiting from it.
  3. Yeah. Seems like the machine is designed like a volcano. Reese's must be coming out with something we haven't seen.
  4. I saw it on the screen of the machine once you confirmed that. I just had no idea what it had to do with Reese's. Still don't, but it seems like the machine is designed like a volcano.
  5. People pick up their own accents...and XL is definitely playing into this thing. It's a smart move. I don't want to DOS myself, by my wife was very prominent in that area for a while, and she has no idea what he is saying a lot of times. Anyone skilled in social interactions can "code switch" as they say. Let him have his fun.
  6. Sanders is only getting a little over a million to play for them. Just speculating, but maybe we didn't want him or he didn't want us, and his market wasn't what he expected. Playing for the Cowboys is more historically prestigious than playing for Carolina. Lot of factors to be considered here. We will probably never know.
  7. Where's the guy who was hating on me calling me the punter police? "Martin has been a reliable punter, earning a PFF punting grade above 65.0 in each of the past five seasons. He should be an upgrade over Johnny Hekker, who posted PFF punting grades of 60.2 in 2023 and 53.3 in 2024." Lol. Not gonna fight about it, just funny to me.
  8. It was a question brother. I care very little about punters. Average punt distance was all I googled. I guess I could have typed more words to convey it. I would have, had I known you would get so bothered by it. I believe the disconnect is how defensive you are. "Worse stats?" was in essence asking what you were referring to. I'll go away now.
  9. Worse stats? Seems he was ranked 20th with Johnny at 28th for punt average. New guy has a yard on him, haha.
  10. While I agree on not spending heavy on a safety, as I have always been a Panthers fan, and it seems to be our preference. The market HAS changed. 6 mill gets you the bottom safeties in the league with the previous salary cap. Chart shows you would only be able to buy guys below 25. We are going to have to adjust our mental budget a bit. 20 mill still way too much imo.
  11. He seems to be reacting to it like it is speech jamming him. I feel bad for him. I deal with this with my wife and the speaker phone in the car all the time, it is impossible to talk like that lol But yeah, I said it like a moron, ha.
  12. The audio for his mic is terrible. Making this hard to watch.
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