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About BlazeCarolina

  • Birthday 12/06/1985

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  1. Having a mentor is always a positive in my book. How long he has been here or his draft position has nothing to do with it. Do you think you hit a certain age where you stop learning from others or something?
  2. I can't get over Eddy's attitude on the hold out. He seemed awfully sassy for a guy who can't hit from any respectable distance. I would rather go a different direction at this point. We had to go for it in scenarios because we just knew he did not have the leg. I don't know how he got so big headed without a big leg.
  3. I don't see this deal panning out. I wouldn't think they would want to pay what he is worth to us if we have any say in the matter.
  4. Yo why'd Mac fans have to catch a stray like that? (Balloonerism out now)
  5. I mean...I am kinda not that upset about this. Dude doesn't seem to really want to be here. I get that vibe he feels he is better than us. Remember the hold out? I would rather get a new boo in this scenario. We got baggage here.
  6. Y'all hate, but this dude is stupid fast in Madden. I tried so hard to get him on track in franchise mode.
  7. I want this to work out, but I cringe every time I see one of these threads and the reasoning is something like how great of a guy he is instead of something football related.
  8. I hope this is a sign of things to come in both Tepper accepting our culture and stepping back a bit. Beautiful #51.
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