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Everything posted by PantherFanInPhilly

  1. Can't wait to hear Aikman and Buck cream their pants over the new position change.
  2. Just accept that CMC is done. He'll play 4 or 5 games this season if that.
  3. Some of yalls holier than thou attitudes sure are something.
  4. Helluva arm but nahhh. Don't do it, Panthers.
  5. Lol this week has been a freaking circus. But hearing he is going to the Browns is SO much better than Saints or Falcons.
  6. Yep there you go..knew I remembered seeing it before.
  7. It is. That’s old..from last year or something. I remember texting it to ppl when it popped up.
  8. and uhhh....when are you gonna share that @?
  9. Great fuging idea! Someone get Ked Woodley on the phone. Time to dominate these foes!
  10. Ugh. More of the same. Just shoot me now.
  11. Blah. Get ready for another lame ass season for the black cats.
  12. Seriously. I’m so sick of the cap talk. I’ve heard that poo for so..many..years.
  13. Basically unless a tweet was posted less than 3 min ago, it’s already been posted here. Huddle working overtime on this one.
  14. Falcons?? Are you fuging kidding me?? Goddamn, can this poo just end already. I have a life I need to get back to at some point.
  15. "I brought you this chain. Pretty cool huh? Can you make your hands make this cool diamond sign...see watch me do it..."
  16. I didn't get poo done at work today between refreshing for Watson/Panthers and Freeman/Braves.
  17. Hate to see him go but he earned that deal. Good for him.
  18. So anyone actually saying Rhule isn't attending the meeting or is that just a random bs comment?
  19. So this is where we're at now, huh? Oof.
  20. Yall gonna be feeling real stupid when we win the Super Bowl with Jimeis Garoppocousins.
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