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Everything posted by PantherFanInPhilly

  1. So is this a bit you do for laughs or are you serious?
  2. After sporadically following the practice thread here yesterday, I got the sense that Pats came out the gate swinging but Carolina ended up getting the upper hand on the day. Yet while reading Twitter right now, the general consensus I'm seeing seems to be that Pats pretty much dominated the day (at least when it came to their defense).
  3. Just found out a cpl days ago my old man has liver cancer. poo sucks
  4. Anyone got a local stream with our commentators? All I’ve found so far is the Redskins broadcast.
  5. So...you watched this viral video..and your takeaway was this is Trump/MAGA idiots faults?
  6. Will the Falcons wear blindfolds during the game to help the "dark" theme? Only fair.
  7. The year is 2030 and Coach Kuechly takes the Panthers all the way to win their first Super Bowl. After the game, Luke says he couldn't have done it without a pregame pep talk by Ked Woodly. His advice? "Dominate the foe".
  8. Has something happened over the weekend to warrant the "cut" talk? Don't get me wrong, I honestly can't stand the dude...at all...but why are we talking about cutting him? Wish we coulda moved him already but that's wishful thinking I guess.
  9. God, this dude is such a fuging clown. How embarrassing.
  10. Prepared for a 3-5 win season. Prepared for CMC to probably play (be available) in those games only. Blah. That said, I’ll still watch every Sunday and will probably go to the game in Baltimore since it’s not that far away.
  11. I thought I just saw a headline of Coach Smith saying Ridder was light years ahead of the other QBs in the draft.
  12. Very entertaining guy and show. I only watch clips here n there but I'm more entertained by that type of show than the usual talking heads on the ESPN/Fox Sports.
  13. This guy gets more unlikeable by the day.
  14. Cmon stupid announcement that no one is actually going to care about...I need to get back to "work".
  15. As much as I do think the uni's need an update, I am horrified they will ruin em if/when they do it. Honestly, I thought Tepper would have already changed them by now.
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