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Everything posted by PantherFanInPhilly

  1. "Think Stroud was the right pick for Carolina instead of Bryce? WELL THEN YOU'RE A TEXANS FAN! Go watch the Texans you TEXANS FAN YOU!!!" Why stop there...accuse them of having cooties too.
  2. No. Stop reaching and digging this hole even deeper. Fitt ain’t it. He is gonna trade for whoever the hell he can and further set this org back even further After he’s fired during/after this season. NO NO NO.
  3. It amazes me how many Panther/Bryce fans have acted like this is some insanely hard pass that only a cpl QB's in the league can possibly make.
  4. Us Braves fans appreciate the Oakland A's contributions to our roster!
  5. Pretty sure here in Philly the fans will complain if you're not cussing ENOUGH in front of the kids during the game.
  6. Good Lord, how the hell are we (and more importantly Bryce) going to get through this season? Keep Pouring...
  7. I'm only in my mid 40's but I guess I just need to accept that I'll never see the Panthers win it all.
  8. I received a million poo emoji's on here when I made and posted that pic the day after that game. I still like it though lol.
  9. Yeah, you're right...definitely possible he was reacting to that
  10. "Creating ways to lose. Being a Panthers fan sucks. I hate Frank Reich"
  11. Well hopefully he doesn’t punch the ground again and mess his plan up.
  12. In my wildest fantasy, Bryce comes out Sunday and rips a "BRYCE UP SON" t-shirt off his torso (a la the Hulkster) and then proceeds to rip Minnesota an absolute new one.
  13. huh? How come this was never talked about prior to the draft? This is literally the first time I've heard anything about this.
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