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About PantherFanInPhilly

  • Birthday 11/13/1978


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Well this ain't good. Can someone embed this because I'm sure it's not going to work right: Deleted
  2. Cam has done himself no favors lately with the stupid ish he says into a microphone. Seems like every few weeks he makes news for saying something really dumb. I hate to see it because I've always taken up for him but I'm not a fan of "Click Bait Cam" that has developed recently. Yeah yeah yeah..I know..."you sound like a hater"..."you're old"..."Cam is rich and you're poor"..."Cam was taken out of context"..." blah blah blah.
  3. That was great...first time I've seen those kind of conversations between them.
  4. They can’t stop bijan to save their lives. Embarrassing.
  5. This defense is a punching bag. Just beat em up whenever u want.
  6. I will say I like the Netflix score bug graphic.
  7. Missed the game up until now. What version of Bryce do we have today? Just saw him run the TD in.
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