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About PantherFanInPhilly

  • Birthday 11/13/1978


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Literally never cooked a brisket in my life. Would love to try some real deal down in Texas though.
  2. lol this is going to be another shitshow of a season isn't it?
  3. Man, some of yall are really sensitive to what a stranger posts on a public free message board.
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHA holy poo. Someone locate that man and lock him up. He can't be safe to be on the streets.
  5. What's the "ted lasso coaching model"? I see it referenced a lot on but I never saw the show..isn't it a comedy about a soccer coach? Just curious what the reference is about.
  6. Really hope the team employs the same strategy from last year of not doing anything remotely right during preseason so they can deceive and trick the league into thinking we suck before we really turn it on Week 1 and catch everyone by surprise. Only problem is last year they forgot to turn it "on" once the season started.
  7. This is the case for any team and their fans. I even know life long Chiefs fans that talk poo about Mahomes.
  8. So I gotta ask...is this just your gimmick or are you into dudes? After seeing it for years on here I'm just curious (not judging, just genuinely wondering)
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