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The Natural

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About The Natural

  • Birthday 03/20/1989

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  1. I mean, yeah? Not sure what you're getting at. He had a bad game, there's no getting around that. Everyone outside of Jalen Coker did.
  2. Why do you have such a hard-on for Evero? Our defense has been horrible under him and Denver has greatly improved since he left. He has no redeeming qualities.
  3. He's OUR #1 right now but I'm not sure he would be for any other team.
  4. It's unrealistic to expect perfection every game. I think he's shown enough growth the last couple of months (assuming be bounces back from this one) that he should and will get another shot next season. There's not any stand out QB prospects at the top of this draft and we have a million other holes to fill.
  5. Even if Morgan gets an influx of talent I don't trust Evero to properly utilize it. Denver got much better on defense after he left.
  6. It would been hard to get worse than historically bad lol. So what you're saying is if the defense plays bad rather than historically bad we have a chance. Understood.
  7. I'd settle for the defense being below average. They are the worst in the NFL. The offense certainly hasn't been good but the defense has been flirting with historically bad.
  8. This is such a weird take. The defense has been trash all year.... Why are you so quick to run to the defense of a unit that has allowed more points than any other team in the the league?
  9. The best talent can't overcome a shitty scheme.
  10. Cute. I know you've been rubbing your grubby little fingers together since October waiting to post this thread you thought up all by yourself.
  11. How have you been buddy? I know it has been hard waiting a month and a half for a bad game so you could poo post again.
  12. Hopefully the team bounces back next week. Hard to pin this on any one player when the entire team poo the bed.
  13. I've never been a fan. We've given up more points than any other team in the NFL. Who can defend that?
  14. Not me. His scheme has been pretty terrible since day one.
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