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The Natural

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About The Natural

  • Birthday 03/20/1989

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  1. The guy showed zero emotion or imagination. I'm of the belief he didn't really care and wanted the easy paycheck before retirement. Matt Rhule wasn't a good coach but I never felt it was from a lack of effort. Maybe the third time was the charm for Tepper.
  2. Why post from an alt? Use your normal account.
  3. Where do you draw the line? Should we just go ahead and forfeit the next five seasons and build a MEGA team with FIVE NUMBER ONE OVERALL PICKS?
  4. As recent history should show you, there are no guarantees in the draft. Give me actual tangible victories any day. Jerking off to draft position doesn't do it for me.
  5. Dude, you are so insufferable. Resign from your mod position and go follow another team.
  6. Of all the damn people to talk about objectivity.... L....M....A....O!!!!
  7. Right, he's a year older than someone in their second season. As I said, for a rookie, he's old.
  8. He's one of the oldest rookies in NFL history so I'd hope he looks ready. It's hard to gauge how good someone is when they are playing our defense.
  9. 40 seconds is enough time to have two scores against this defense.
  10. The way the other games are going I don't think it moves the needle that much. Just enjoy the offense looking competent. Outside of Cam our best players have never came from the top five picks anyways.
  11. If Bryce were better they could have went for two instead of kicking the extra point.
  12. I think Kyle Allen has a little bit of a stronger arm.
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