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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Right, and my comment was more hyperbolic than anything. It's perfectly clear that Rhule has 'his guys' and favors them even to the detriment of the team. I'm sure every coach has their favorites but most seem to at least make sure they can play at an NFL level.
  2. It's just beyond my understanding why they keep him on the active roster but refuse to play him when the opportunity arises.
  3. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Tool's newer stuff. Haven't bought tickets yet but was thinking about it just because. Sounds like it may be a no-go... thanks for the heads-up. We saw Korn a few years ago when they rolled through with In This Moment (who my band used to play with/cross paths with at small venues back in the day) and Rob Zombie. That was an awesome show. Never seen Staind live but we did catch Pantera with Slayer, Static-X, Skrape, and Morbid Angel on the Reinventing the Steel tour. I got my jaw dislocated in the pit during Static-X and we just took in the spectacle from the seats when Slayer and Pantera played. I've never seen anything like that, just a churning sea of humanity simultaneously wrecking each other while also caring for those who got hurt. That was one hell of a show.
  4. Tool, Korn, and Megadeth all come to KC within about 6 weeks of each other. I'm not usually a concert guy these days but this has me thinking hard about it.
  5. Exactly. This desire to hear from him is driven in large part by how vocal and involved he was when this all started going down; the silence is a notable change that makes people wonder. If he had stayed in the background from the start (relatively speaking given his status as a new owner) or not commented on football matters then no one would be wondering why he's now quiet.
  6. It's not accurate because he wasn't paid in one lump sum and it's most likely set up for weekly buys since players are paid game checks. He has lost some money for sure, but nothing like what this makes it out to seem.
  7. When considered alongside the assistants that have left for lateral moves and that both Tepper and Rhule have been radio silent all off-season (to avoid questions and save pride) yes, I think this is exactly what has happened.
  8. Nothing, unfortunately, and that's due to a complete lack of faith in the leadership and Matt Rhule. Certain moves may start swing the needle back from apathy/cynicism, but it's going to take steady and sustained improvement to begin the thaw. Not even significant increase in wins per se, but just looking like an actual NFL team with competent NFL-level leadership and doing it week in and week out.
  9. Only 2011 Chud though. 2012 Chud drank way too much of his own Kool-Aid. I'd probably take 2011 Chud by a hair over Henning, but I'd be fine with Henning. I feel like Fox often hampered him.
  10. Ironhead Heyward... there's a name I haven't heard in a lonnnng time.
  11. Yeah. The bigger thing IMO was that it was then 4th down, AND they had to use the TO. Just a big hit overall.
  12. Yeah. Yhe bigger thing IMO was that it was then 4th down, AND they had to use the TO. Just a big hit overall.
  13. Cam never had a competent offense around him either though, certainly not anywhere near the quality that the Bengals currently have.
  14. I can't take him seriously with how dirty he plays. Great player though when he's not being a baby.
  15. I had just gotten done telling my son that the Bengals won't run the ball because of the timeout and down loss risk if they got stopped. Lo and behold.
  16. But I was told the NFL was propping Burrow. 3 awful calls against Cincy in a row now.
  17. I liked Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga as well.
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