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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Based on the Erving and Elflein signings yes, it does indeed appear to be the way.
  2. Not like it's a reach to say it. Carolina has been managed very poorly for several years now, with no visible sign of it turning around. Could the current group do just that? Maybe, but what evidence suggests that will happen? A bunch of new coaches were hired but assuming that will help is just speculation at this point too.
  3. And the year before that, and before that, and before that, ad nauseum.
  4. It's really something that the team not only sucks as they do and yet has so little space, but that this is sort of a Carolina tradition at this point.
  5. My thoughts exactly. The last player they should be trading is the only proven, consistently competent player on the OL. I'd maybe add Chinn to the no-trade list as well, but that may just be me.
  6. Is Rhule still coach? Yes? Meh. Need to see a lot of consistent improvement on the field to shed the apathy and cynicism. Until that time it's just lipstick on a pig.
  7. I love me some Cam and that man dragged Carolina offenses up and down the field against their will for a decade, but...
  8. Eh, Rivera had plenty of weaknesses. He's like an Alex Smith of coaches, decent enough to maybe get you somewhere with absolute perfection around him (a la Ron in 2013 and 2015) but not good enough to win many games on his own/elevate a team.
  9. The problem is that his truth is likely colored by loyalty and subjectivity. He can say/believe whatever he wants, but the objective truth has been seen on the field for 2 seasons now and it ain't pretty.
  10. PJ Walker, the guy that the staff refuses to play but keeps re-signing... Same as Colin here. Good for PJ and no hate on him but man, wtf is the staff doing?
  11. I read through that earlier. No blame towards Thompson, as he's taking advantage of the opportunities presented to him, but what are the odds that he was suddenly good enough to be on an NFL roster after not making the cut from 2017-2019.
  12. After years of windbaggery from Tepper and Rhule, at this point I don't really care what any of them have to say. Just show something on the field.
  13. Cam ain't coming back to this cluster, and I don't blame him one bit.
  14. Then Tepper better get used to being a loser, at least for the next few years, and for few other reasons beyond his own short-sightedness/lack of self-evaluation. If al he cares about is money then this is a moot point anyway. Given how vocal he was at the outset of his ownership he sure seems interested in being a winner as well. What's gone down so far sure ain't it and he unfortunately chose not to remedy a major immediate issue this offseason.
  15. They're both scrubs, and while Teddy really showed it this year (letting Slay waltz on by...) Rhule has indeed shown himself to somehow be even more inept at his job. While moving on from Teddy was the right move and signing him in the first place a terrible one, Rhule and the FO managed to make the situation worse with an awful choice in Darnold. In a competent organization this type of ineptitude gets corrected, but the scrubbery and ineptitude seems to go even higher than Rhule.
  16. Tremble looked pretty solid when he played and made some big-time catches. Lot still to prove but definite starter potential, if not more, IMO. I think it's more 18 pages about the knucklehead contract they just gave him and incredulity that Rhule continues to have a job than 18 pages about Thomas himself.
  17. I think it's more that he had no issues being vocal when he thought he was outsmarting the league. Now that the emperor has no clothes, the silence just seems like cowardice without humility. Probably not the case but, as they say, perception is everything.
  18. For Ian of course, as he wasn't getting near that anywhere else.
  19. I'm so sick of seeing these charts in relation to Rhule's personnel decisions. No doubt that it's better to have superior athletes, but 'Rhule guys' don't seem to show on the field.
  20. I'm actually OK with bringing him back overall as a 2nd TE, but that contract sure makes it seem he's the starter. As such...
  21. Of course he didn't do it in purpose/mean to hurt Kirkwood. He was released because it was an entirely unnecessary dangerous (intent or not) play against a teammate in the middle of training camp. Complete lack of awareness, and as a fringe player that stuff can't happen. As to the release itself, might have been too much but we don't know what had been said behind the scenes. I can't stand Rhule as a coach and want him fired ASAP but if player safety and making smart decisions had been a point of emphasis and he still did that, then it paints him as undisciplined and perhaps uncoachable.
  22. Right, and my comment was more hyperbolic than anything. It's perfectly clear that Rhule has 'his guys' and favors them even to the detriment of the team. I'm sure every coach has their favorites but most seem to at least make sure they can play at an NFL level.
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