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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Exactly this. I said in another post that I'm not averse to it, but only if the cost is right. I'm not arguing that at all. I am saying that investing further capital into a player like Jimmy is pointless for the greater goal of actually winning a Super Bowl, as much for his own limitations as for a complete lack of faith in Rhule, so it shouldn't be done at the cost of any future assets. We've seen what a Jimmy-led team can do with actual NFL-caliber coaching and team construction and even that team didn't/doesn't think it was good enough, so why should Carolina? I'm not even claiming it's a slam dunk that Lance will be markedly better, simply saying that SF clearly doesn't believe Jimmy has what it takes to keep the team competitive against the best competition. I don't care if he's good enough to win a couple of games next year in Carolina - that's not the goal. The goal is to consistently win games year in and year out, and spending draft capital and/or making a big investment on Garoppolo is penny wise and pound foolish.
  2. They also have coaching several levels better than what Carolina has and still couldn't get it done. Plus, while they didn't tank they did sell the farm for Lance so they did make effectively the same type of QB decision, just arrived there via a different route. I'm not personally suggesting that the team attempt to tank and I never have. Just pointing out that Shanahan is also of the mind that Jimmy ain't it, and if he feels he can't get there with Garoppolo than I don't know what Rhule and co are going to achieve with him. IMO there's no real upside in adding Garoppolo.
  3. The Chiefs were 50-26 with Alex Smith but couldn't get it done in the playoffs until Mahomes joined. SF's defense has been better than any that the Chiefs had during that time (Bob Sutton...) so they were able to make it a bit further but Jimmy is the exact same type of player as Smith and a small step up from guys like Teddy and Mariota. He's not going to elevate the team in critical spots and is somewhat fragile, so to me it's more of a lack of long-term upside not being worth draft capital. If Jimmy gets cut and comes to Carolina for no draft cost and not an exorbitant contract then sure, have at it with the understanding that he's not a long-term solution either. Pretty reasonable chance he'll get hurt and miss several games or more anyway so the net effect may be the same as if he never joined.
  4. The Chiefs have been trotting Anthony Hitchens and Ben Niemann out there for a couple of years now so while I wish Carter the best we can see how they prioritize the position.
  5. If the Turk does come for him and this is the reason why, I can understand Smith's hesitation to do so but it would be great to lay out the seeming hypocrisy in that manner.
  6. While not inaccurate, I'm sure it would go over like a lead balloon.
  7. As has been said many times before, this is Tepper's own doing since he made himself so visible early on and frequently spoke about team matter, e.g. the QB situation. His current silence is in stark contrast to when he acted like he was getting one over on the rest of the league and is reasonably perceived now as hiding.
  8. I don't mean to sound shallow but H. Jon Benjamin's, er, Fitt's jawline is even less visible than before. Dude sounds like he knows what he's talking about but it's fascinating.
  9. Guy's a weapon for sure, but I've always seen him as a bit limited in his route tree and feasting off of his speed and the deep ball. Tua and Teddy aren't the guys to make that happen.
  10. Why? You aren't winning anything with a QB like that, and guys like Trubisky, Minshew, Winston, etc don't cost 15% of the cap. Also, the 6th pick contract is worth 30 of so million so it's more than 3%. The gap is not as large as you make it out to be.
  11. I don't see a middling QB on a rookie QB as an asset - they're still a middling QB and draft capital has been wasted. Plenty of current QBs are middling, so get one of them and put the draft capital to better use.
  12. Foreman is a Mike Davis-level signing who has never factored into a passing game and is most definitely not a full-time starting option. He will not he replacing CMC on the roster, and if CMC were to be moved Carolina would be stuck without a receiving back on the current roster. Other than that, reasonable assessment IMO.
  13. I live in KC and watched him a fair bit. He played a Sam type of position and wasn't great. It helped that Anthony Hitchens made him look better by being so bad.
  14. I'm not meaning to dog the signings themselves here since this looks like an actual NFL-caliber FA strategy vs what we saw last year, but I wonder how/if they plan on addressing improved run defense in the front 7. Neither Ioannidis nor Wilson were/are particularly strong in that regard.
  15. Sure, he said that, but if he had it written into his contract and was a deal-breaker elsewhere then you think he didn't exercise that power? None of us outside that inner circle can know for sure but there sure seems to be an actual NFL-level personnel strategy being executed instead of throwing money Day 1 at 'versatile' guys like Erving and Elflein. Fitterer's tone at the end of the season and so far in the off-season seems to hint at differences as well, e.g. his barb about arm length in contradiction to Rhule's point about it.
  16. Meh. Still a fairly decent player but after watching him whine and moan on and off the field in KC, he comes off as a baby. His kid plays in our local baseball and basketball leagues so, so there's that.
  17. I don't see Cleveland trading Mayfield at this point unless he's truly going to refuse to play. They're still a competitive team, though the AFC is even more stacked now, and there's no need to blow it up for a rookie QB and go back into that purgatory. They screwed the pooch with how they've handled some things but if they can still salvage it, they should. That said, I'd take Mayfield for that deal, but the wild card is just how much Rhule will suck this year. Would be bad to give away a Cam-esque pick a la Hurney's attempted trade up for Clausen back in the day.
  18. I see no reason to sign both, and potentially not even either one of them at this point if the prices remain high. Let them go elsewhere, play Horn, Henderson, Taylor, et al, and see if comp picks don't shake out.
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