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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. I saw your profile pic and was like, "I don't remember posting in this thread".
  2. He had his rookie year with non-injured Cam, his rookie year with Stew at the very end of his career, 2 years of non-injured Olsen (2017 and 2019), and no years of DJ with Charger-level competent QB play. He's also had no years with an offensive mind like they've had in SD/LA though Turner was better than anyone under Rhule and Ekeler has still only ever put up 1550 total yards and 20 TDs at his best. CMC had 2400 and 19 in 2019. I'm not taking anything away from Ekeler but at absolute best they're similar players, though Ekeler has always been surrounded by much better talent. Ekeler is not wholly better than CMC.
  3. Ekeler has also been palying with Rivers, Herbert, Keenan Allen, Mike Williams, and decent offensive coordinators. It will be most interesting to me to see, given what he's done in Carolina with what's been around him, how CMC performs with that caliber of cast in SF.
  4. That was over a decade ago at this point.
  5. What's Zylstra up to these days? Taye Biddle might still be available too.
  6. Or he saw the writing on the wall and was finding himself on the preverbial outside along with Rhule. I'm just speculating, but it wouldn't surprise me at all.
  7. The comment is clearly context-specific and, based on ownership tenure thus far, accurate until proven otherwise.
  8. Man, this officiating on roughing is just putrid.
  9. And this is what Tepper and Hurney were so blown away by.
  10. Erving's versatility, Rhule's favorite trait, shining through again.
  11. Sam Franklin, Sean Chandler, Dayvion Nixon, Colin Thompson, Sam Tecklenburg... the favoritism is real.
  12. What was always an incorrect/incomplete take since the 'year 3' outcome always just continued tracking what happened from year 1 to year 2, and we all know how that went in Carolina.
  13. This whole 'just needed a quarterback' thing ignores Rhule's strategic ineptitude, inability to evaluate talent, and other potential issues being hinted at throughout his time at the orgnaization. A couple of additional wins through better QB play doesn't paper over all of those fundamentlal failures. And Tepper... well, the degree of dumbassery can vary by opinion but little question that Rhule was a massive mistake.
  14. I strongly suspect that Rhule was voluntold to bring in coaches with significant NFL experience in order to keep his job, or perhaps with the understanding that year 3 would be it if the results didn't improve notably. At no point prior did he ever adapt, so it seems unlikely he'd suddenly do it of his own accord.
  15. Yup. He completely thought he was outsmarting the league with the Rhule hire.
  16. No real disagreement on any of this, and perhaps humility is a strong word, but the anger and bullheadedness at the end doesn't have to solely reflect his approach to team management. Perhaps as a more cynical take, we can maybe hope that his pride has been stung enough and that he wants to be publicly lauded enough that he follows an actual NFL process when looking for the next coach.
  17. The fact that he actually sounded a bit humbled/defeated at times during his press conference gives me a small sliver of hope that he might get something right this time, if only by accident. I'm hardly counting on it, but it's a sliver more than I had in the recent past.
  18. It absolutely wasn't, and the media hype around him was just incredibly dumb. McVay fever at its finest.
  19. No, it wasn't and no, it didn't take incredible insight to conclude that hiring a middling (in the sense that he couldn't beat real competition) college coach like Rhule to a 7-year contract with complete control of an NFL team was a bad idea. Perhaps the rose-colored glasses were too strong to remember 'the haters' but it was absolutely a questionable hire at best, and flat out dumb at worst, and plenty of us called it out.
  20. Yeah, there is no 'all of us' when talking about Rhule's hiring. Many of us were skeptical at best and strongly averse at worst. This trainwreck was visible from day one.
  21. Didn't look like it to me but they can consider it even for the absolute BS roughing call earlier that gifted them points.
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