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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Whatever man. Just keep on rolling with those strawmen and complete lack of any factual basis while also inadvertently supporting the notion that Teddy needs perfection around him for his teams to win and can't elevate on his own. You do you.
  2. Brady took plenty of heat for that call and many others (you might see that if you ventured outside of the Teddy threads), and there were heaps of criticism thrown his way when all of the HC talk was happening. He was a first-year coordinator this year though so growing pain was/is expected - a very different story than someone who has been in the league for 6 years (7 now) and started multiple season's worth of games but still plays like a rookie. If Brady shows a lack of development beyond his rookie year, as Teddy has, then proper criticism will come his way along with proper expectations. At this moment though the two situations are not directly comparable. But Brady is yet another strawman. You continue to present these arguments and deflect blame without acknowledging Teddy's performance, which is the only relevant topic in this QB-centric thread. You've been shown by myself and plenty of others how his deficiencies are self-contained and independent of other factors and yet continue to attack them... that's exactly what a strawman is. Strawman: "an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument." Pretty apt description of your responses.
  3. 2 yard pass on 4th and 9 with the game on the line... that's just one. Repeated self-contained shortcomings at the most critical times that have nothing to do with any other Panthers unit. But please continue with the excuses and strawmen.
  4. He would've had 3-5 more this year if Teddy hit him in stride, and perhaps a couple more if the ball gets thrown some of the times DJ was streaking open downfield and didn't get the ball.
  5. Especially with 3 good-to-excellent receivers and a replacement RB that was serviceable enough. CMC may be the best on the team but is far from the only playmaker in that offense.
  6. Depending on how things really went down the main football guy behind that decision may have already been fired. At this point IMO the staff and FO still deserve the benefit of the doubt, and this offseason will be very telling.
  7. Whatever the situation they don't seem to post in any other threads and sure are invested in deflecting blame and responsibility. Seems familiar.
  8. No one has said QB is the only issue and yet your comments like this continue to present that thought like it's the prevailing opinion. It's a given that other areas of the team need attention as well, but in a thread about the QB it's quite reasonable for the focus to be on the QB position. If you truly wish to discuss those other points and share your thoughts, starting a new thread on it would be a more productive action than setting up strawmen in this QB-focused one.
  9. Others perhaps but I've never said it's what I want to see happen. In fact, I've said many times that I trust the staff/FO to improve the QB position and team overall however they determine the best path forward. If it's selling the farm then so be it, and if it's through acquisition of a vet/developing of drafting a rookie then that's their call. This staff and FO is still an unknown but at this point they seem to recognize the need for a more dynamic QB. I think as a fanbase though the dropoff from a Cam Newton to Teddy has made the deficiency that much more apparent and folks might be a bit knee-jerk. Cam wasn't a completion machine but he was dynamic and a playmaker. I've also not said Teddy's the worst QB in the league, but he's clearly a lower-tier starter at best and after almost 50 starts is what he is. I've no idea what categories you're referring to with the 'top of the league' comment, but if it's his 2019 numbers the stats were exactly the same with the exception of an outlier 4 TD game against an atrocious Tampa Bay pass defense where nearly 1/2 of his passing yards were YAC. Some yards, lots of short completions, few TDs, and an offense carried by the talent around him.
  10. Precisely because there is such a gap between the good QBs and the others. An elite QB does not guarantee success in and of themselves but there's no question that offensive dynamics and flexibility are a major advantage in overcoming other team weaknesses. They won despite his limitations via the supporting cast. That's always been the book on Teddy and non-dynamic QBs like that - can win a few games with loads of talent around them and perhaps the occasional Super Bowl with transcendent defenses but aren't good enough to elevate a team and overcome top-tier competition when it's on them to do so. Offensive football runs through the QB.
  11. He sure didn't but I think Mahomes and the Chiefs coming back from double-digit deficits in every 2019 playoff game and Super Bowl pretty much proves the point. It takes a team of course but only the offense is responsible for scoring points.
  12. Yet again, please show where anyone is *solely* placing blame on Teddy. You're in a thread about teddy - of course the conversation centers on his performance/lack thereof. Teddy's offense had chances to win games week in and week out regardless of what the other phases were doing and couldn't do it. It's self-contained empirical shortcoming.
  13. Teddy looked exactly how he's always looked, and the stats and outcomes show it. The wheels fell off the offense when defenses got a bit of film and started sitting on everything under 20 yards with no threat of a deep game. It's no coincidence. Ball control offense may keep teams hanging around in games but it doesn't win championships but once in a blue moon when it's paired with an all-decade defense. I live in KC and saw the Alex Smith years firsthand - it's also no coincidence that they didn't get anywhere in the playoffs until Mahomes took over.
  14. Show me where I've, or anyone really, said that all of Carolina's problems are solely because of Teddy. I've certainly said that QB is a weakness and needs improvement, but once again that is not mutually exclusive of making other needed improvements.
  15. Teddy was on the field and the offense couldn't score and definitely not when it mattered most, so are you sure you want to make this comparison?
  16. Perfect? No. Competent? Yes. And key defenders that failed to perform and/or live up tot heir contracts have lost their jobs - Whitehead benched and a cut possibly coming, Boston cut, Weatherly cut, Short cut.
  17. Do you fire a QB whose defense - hell, a single defender - spots his offense 14 points and gets them the ball back at the end of the game with a chance to grind the clock for the win and then AGAIN to win it but then they fail to do it? Actually happened by the way. Ignoring that the defense actually improved as the year went on while the offense got worse, a defense that at times was playing as many as 5 rookies on the field at once.
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